Growing peas, unpretentious, but tasty and useful crops

Peas - an annual self-pollinating plant fromfamily of legumes. Its stem is rounded, branching. The length can reach 2 m or more. At the end of the leaf petiole, the antenna is formed. From the axils of the leaves grow flowers, usually white.

cultivation of peas
Growing peas is not an easy task. As soon as the snow melts and the ground dries a little, it is necessary to form a bed of the desired length with a width of 1 m. Make furrows across it, moisten them and plant peas to a depth of about 4 cm. Cover the ground and top with humus, necessarily slamming the palm or plank to the birds for the tail did not pull out the germinated pea. Between plants should be in a row of 10 cm, and between rows - 20 cm.

Before planting, peas must be soaked in water for 12hours. Exceed the specified time can not, because the pea can fall into two halves, and there will be no sprouting. If the circumstances change, and it is not possible to plant the wet peas, then the water must be drained, covered with a damp cloth and placed in a cool place.

It happens that snow falls after planting, andat night there are frosts. Growing peas from this will not suffer, since the plant is frost-resistant. It will only pause in growth, but as the sun warms, it will again move.

growing of peas in the country
When the sprouts reach 10 cmput the supports, preferably between the rows, so as not to damage the root system of such a remarkable crop as peas. Cultivation and care in the future will consist in regular watering and loosening of rows.

Growing peas in the country gives the largestjoy to children who are very fond of eating it. Planting it at the end of April, the first harvest will be ripe in early July. Usually it is eaten in green, and for the harvesting for the winter there is nothing left. Of course, if the site allows, you can plant more. And you can do it differently.

When the time comes to plant potatoes, then in eachwell, you need to throw 1-2 peas. And you can forget about them before digging potatoes. Growing peas together with potatoes is beneficial for many reasons. Cultures are rising almost simultaneously. Peas as a support uses the potato tops, without interfering with it. Moreover, beneficial bacteria develop on the roots of the pea, contributing to the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil and cleansing of the nematode.

peas cultivation and care
Watering is not necessary, since peas are planteddeep (on the bayonet spade), and moisture from the rain will be enough. And also potatoes twice in a season hills, consequently, and peas. The yield from the potato field is much higher than from the bed, the pods on the bush are larger, and they are longer. Collect the harvest of peas right before digging the potatoes. By the way, growing peas along with potatoes greatly reduces the number of Colorado beetles, which can be collected manually, without using pesticides.

The harvested crop can be frozen, dried andcanning. To freeze peeled peas should be washed, pour water and bring to a boil. Drain off the water, dry the peas and pack in packages, freeze. Use for salads, soups, garnish.

Dry peas in the shade, and dry in the oven at 50 0With the door open. In the winter it will need to be soaked, and it will become, as soon as from the bed.

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