Anthurium: Leaves turn yellow, but not Autumn. How to Help the Flower.

This tropical plant attractsattention caught in the flower shop of an unsophisticated newcomer. Bright leaves, unusual shapes and colors of flowers - exotic appearance can not help but attract attention. Anthurium flowers can be cut to make unusual bouquets, while they are quite a long time, not one week, keep a fresh look. And in some species the fruits form graceful bunches even more beautiful than flowers. Well, if an experienced salesman told you how to prolong the joy of owning this miracle. If you are a beginner florist, we will try to help by gathering all the necessary information about the care and requests for help your anthurium gives: yellow leaves, no flowers, brown spots appear.

So, if you are just going to buy yourselfa tropical miracle in a pot, decide what you like. Flowering plant or decorative-deciduous? Modest flower in a pot or a powerful vine? There are several varieties of this "Latin American", adapted for growing indoors. It is a crystal anthurium, with large velvety leaves of rich shades; he blooms unattractively, but, like the rest of his cousins, gives bright berries. Of the beautifully flowering species, the most popular are the anthurium of Scherzer with speckled or monochromatic flowers, low stems and fiery red berries, and also the anturium Andre - a tall bush that effectively looks in large rooms. The latter species is distinguished by a huge variety of shades of the so-called "veil".

Carefully choose the place where yourtropical visitor. He is sensitive to drafts and categorically does not tolerate direct bright light. The decorative-deciduous anthurium can be satisfied with the shadow, the rest prefer moderate illumination. The average temperature suitable for this flower is 20 degrees. In the summer season, it can be 3-5 degrees higher, and in the cool season - 2-4 degrees below. Well, if the room has a humidifier, otherwise it is desirable to spray the leaves and stems (but not the flowers!) From the sprayer. Water it only with warm water, and untreated hard water is unsuitable for this. The pot needs a plant that is lower and broader, with drainage and a pallet, in which water should not stagnate. Regular transplants are mandatory, as well as fertilizing, and perhaps - and periodic treatment of pests and fungi, which can be transmitted to the plant from its neighbors.

A few words about the diseases that are susceptible toanthurium. The leaves turn yellow from excessive watering, excessive fertilization by fertilizers and untimely transplantation. These are completely resolved problems. But if there are brown, red spots or defects of the leaf, and nearby there are flowers infected with a mite or fungus, it is quite possible that the anthurium also suffered. Black leaves from excessive moisture. Drain the water from the pan after 20 minutes for irrigation and discard the universal soil mixtures. You will need a special primer, which is good to add vermiculite and coniferous bark. Unsuitable soil composition is one of the factors that can affect a vulnerable anthurium. The leaves turn yellow from the alkaline soil, whereas it prefers the sour soil. And it is through the leaves that you can clearly see the state of the anthurium. The leaves dry from insufficient watering, and the brown spots preceding the drying show on the fungal disease, anthracnose.

If your flower is feeling well and wellgives new shoots, it makes sense to separate the upper ones. Again, take a closer look at the signals your anthurium gives. The leaves turn yellow, perhaps it's already cramped in the pot and it's hard to feed their babies. Separation of cuttings is at the same time the best way to grow a flower, but you can also try to grow it from seeds. However, the seeds are suitable for planting only immediately after maturation, and hybrid varieties do not multiply in this way. A large plant can also be divided and seeded into two different pots. As you can see, a fanciful Anthurium requires some care, but with good care will delight you with its marvelous flowers for several months of the year.

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