Carrots are considered to be one of the most useful vegetables. It's just a huge amount of vitamins. Growing carrots is easy.
Many housewives, as well as the owners are faced withThe fact that the root crops grown with love do not survive the winter period. And it also happens that half of the crop is not able to even reach the frost. What's the matter? There can be several reasons for this. Firstly - different maturation periods for different varieties. Secondly - ignorance of when to remove carrots from the garden. Thirdly, the technological side of preserving root crops may be violated. And finally, the last, fourth reason is inappropriate weather conditions.
Although carrots, as well as beets are consideredroot crops are frost-resistant, yet collect them better before regular frosts come. You can not allow the plants to become covered with snow still on the beds.
That carrot, whose varieties ripen very early,for long-term storage is not suitable. She is planted, as a rule, in order to obtain a carrot. A young sweet root is ready for consumption already in the middle of summer and is used for salads or baby food.
Growing on their plot varieties with mediummaturity, it is necessary to remember that to grow such vegetables should be from eighty to one hundred and ten days. Watch your site. If you notice that the lower leaves turn yellow, then it's time that you can take the carrots off the bed. If you do not remove the root crops on time, then their pulp will become loose, and the taste will become much worse.
Let's talk about the late varieties. Their maturation lasts more than one hundred and ten days. These varieties are called fall and are collected in the first half of September. It is during the autumn period that carrots accumulate in large quantities of vitamins and nutrients.
Understanding when to clean carrots from the garden,it is important not to miss that moment that the correctly harvested crop increases the chances of getting a quality result during storage. Carrots should be prepared before cleaning. Somewhere a month before the scheduled time, watering is stopped. This will save the future crop from cracking.
Little to know when to harvest carrots for the winter withbeds. We still need to understand how to do this. Digging root crops is best using forks. So there is less chance of damage. Carrots dig up and get out of the ground, holding the tops. By hands we clean it from the ground, but in no case we do not scrub. Try not to damage root crops, because they are unlikely to last for long. Also avoid blows and kinks when transporting root crops.
You can remove carrot leaves in many ways. One of the options - twisting and tearing her hands. You can also cut off the leaves, but you can not touch the roots themselves. One of the options for cutting the tops is one in which there is a small tail on the carrot, which should not be larger than one and a half centimeters in size.
In the previous sections, we figured out how and when to remove carrots from the bed for storage. Now let's see how this storage is implemented.
After the carrot is slightly dry,with her remaining land. For storage use boxes with a small depth. Roots are laid in rows and lightly poured with sand, which should be slightly moist. Peat can be used for these purposes. Some truck farmers store carrots in plastic bags, making holes in them for ventilation. Of course, the basement in which you plan to store your vegetables should also be well ventilated.
Another interesting way to store carrots -dipping it into a clay chatterbox. Each root vegetable is dipped in clay before being sent to the basement and dried on a grate. Thus, protection from mice and other pests is made and juicy and crunchy carrots are preserved. Sometimes, clay garlic is added to the clay mixture, which scares off various pests from the crop.
If you want to keep a small carrot beforespring, then prepare a pit about thirty centimeters deep and fill it with sand. Put carrots in rows, pouring it with sand. When all the carrots are laid, fill the hole and cover it with leaves, fir branches and slate. In winter, heap a lot of snow on top of it. Thus, having unearthed this hole in the spring, you will receive root crops of such freshness, as if you just dug them up.
While storing carrots in the fridge, wrap each one in a piece of paper. So it can stay juicy and tasty longer.
If you do not have anywhere to store carrots, then do not forget that it can be dried or frozen. In this case, you will not have any problems with rot.
The sections of this article were considered whenremove carrots from the garden, how to do it correctly and how you can keep your harvest until the spring. Observing all the simple rules, you can pamper yourself with fresh carrots throughout the entire cold season and even longer, almost to the new harvest.
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