Class of concrete - properties and differences

A foundation is the foundation of any erected building. Consequently, the better it is calculated and executed, the more stable and durable it is. Materials from which the foundation is poured significantly affect its quality. Therefore, it becomes necessary to talk about concrete, to determine the class of concrete and its brand.

Class of concrete
The foundation of the foundation is concrete. This is an ancient representative of building materials. Concrete is a kind of mixture of the following components: a cementitious substance (Portland cement and slag Portland cement), water, fine (sand) and coarse aggregate (gravel and gravel).

The main and main indicators of quality are the class of concrete and the grade of concrete. Mark characterizes the amount of cement that enters the concrete mix.

The concrete class can be of the following types: B10, B15, B20, B25, B30, B40, B80, B12.5, B7.5, B22.5, B35 .... On the site, the following types of B7.5-B40 are distinguished.

There is a classifier for compressive strength, which depends on the density of concrete:

  • M400 - M1000 - very heavy;
  • M100 - M600 - heavy;
  • M50 - M400 - normal;
  • M25 - M200 - light;
  • M4 - M100 - very light.

concrete grade for foundation
The brands mentioned here are very often used. The figure that is after the letter M is the strength of the cube for compression, which it reaches after 28 days of maturation. There are also such, no less important qualities of concrete, as: frost resistance, resistance to aggressive conditions.

Quality and grade of concrete for the foundation is fullydepends on the purpose, types and further operation. The local weather conditions have a significant influence on the use of different types of mixtures.

It is necessary to pay attention when setting up the bases for the following parameters:

  1. The transverse, longitudinal load, as well as the load of the own weight of the structure.
  2. Conduct a comprehensive study of soils and groundwater.
  3. The layout of the premises, which are located below the floor level of the 1st floor, the type of foundation and the type of basement.

All these factors significantly affect the classconcrete, as well as its physical and mechanical properties. When building a warehouse, industrial or residential building, calculate the values ​​of all loads.

concrete grades for foundation
To the base on which the house will be built,remained durable, a correct choice of concrete grade for the foundation and filler is necessary. Mark depends on the constructed building, the greater the value of the load, the greater the brand we take.

From the above it is clear that the durability of any construction depends on the foundation laid beneath it, and its quality depends on the proportions of the constituents of the concrete.

Self-preparation of a quality concrete mix is ​​very expensive: because of the complexity of obtaining concrete of the desired quality and the amount of pouring in the formwork, which must be completed in one day.

Errors in the preparation of a concrete mixture,suitable for the foundation, can significantly reduce its quality, which in the future can cause a number of adverse events. Even for a private home, the execution of works on the construction of the foundation requires careful follow-up to the norms adopted in civil construction.

It is important to remember that you need to choose a suitable brand of concrete, some of them are suitable for building large buildings, while others can withstand the load of only small objects.

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