The aphid got on an apple tree. How to deal with a pest

Aphids are a dangerous and prolific insect that canit's healthy to spoil the life of gardeners. Waking up early in the spring, until late autumn, these small sucking insects in entire colonies precipitate fruit trees and berry bushes.

Summer heat allows the aphid to reproduce in largequantities. Pests are conveniently located on the underside of the leaf, completely covering its surface. Leaf twists, changes, often dies completely, and tips of shoots become crooked and completely cease to grow.

Aphids on the apple tree, how to fight

aphid on apple tree how to fight

If aphids attack the apple tree, it can be seen by the leaveswood: they become tuberculate, with a red color. Wintering pest remains in the egg stage under the bark of boles, young shoots or thick branches, next to the kidneys. The shape of the eggs in the aphids is oblong, they are shiny, up to half a millimeter in length. At the beginning of spring, young insects do not yet have wings, but during growing up females can fly over long distances.

What if the aphid got on the apple tree? How to deal with it, you need to know necessarily, otherwise it will destroy all fruit and berry plants in the garden. As with any other pest, you need to start fighting with aphids early in the spring, even before the kidneys begin to bud. It is necessary to eliminate weeds in time and cut off the tops near the tree, because some species of aphids also develop and remain wintering.

Home remedies

Simple home remedies will help if there isaphids on the apple tree. How to deal with pests with folk remedies, for example, with soap solution? Take 400 grams of laundry soap, tune and mix with 10 liters of water.

fighting aphids on the apple tree

Effective control of aphids on apple spraystobacco tincture. Take 500 g of tobacco, tobacco, small tobacco waste and insist in 10 liters of water for two days. Strain through burlap, add another 10 liters of water. Before use add laundry soap - 40 g per 10 liters of solution. Soap is dissolved in a liter of water and add to the composition.

How to sprinkle apples from aphids? Take about 800 g of dry yarrow, collected before flowering. Brew the herb in boiling water for half an hour, then add 10 liters of water and insist another day. But you can simply boil the broth and add the laundry soap before use.

than to sprinkle apples against aphids
If all of the above methods have not helped or are not suitable for some reason, and still remains aphids on the apple tree, how to deal with it then? Try one more way. In early spring, to eliminate insects that have overwintered on a tree, prepare a solution of nitrophene (200 grams per ten-liter bucket of water). Destroy the solution of all the eggs, and at the same time and the scab of the apple. Do not feel sorry for the prepared "medicine" and abundantly sprinkle not only the tree, but also the ground under it.

Modern preparations

The easiest way to fight a pest -Use the money purchased in specialized stores. For example: "Iskra", "Decis", "Tsipermetrin", "Inta-Vir" and others. Use the medication twice in 9-13 days. The first time all the overwintered individuals are destroyed, the second attempt eliminates the surviving or emerging pests.

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