How to cover for the winter clematis: advice of experienced gardeners

Gardening is a favorite occupation of many people inall over the world. Fans who live in countries with mild climates often do not even know the complexities that their colleagues have to face in cold places.

how to cover for the winter clematis
In particular, they do not know anything about howshelter for the winter clematis. In fairness, it should be noted that even our gardeners do not always know about this, which makes their greenery year by year less and less.

Therefore, today we will analyze the most effective and relatively simple methods. But before this, we will notice in advance that the methods of shelter differ depending on their pruning.

First option

The first type includes those clematis whobloom on last year's shoots. This means that it is their whips that need to be kept at all costs during the cold season. How to cover for the winter clematis of this type?

Unfortunately, in this case everything depends solely on the winter hardiness of the variety you use. If you plan to grow these flowers in frosty regions, choose appropriate "breeds" in advance.

To minimize possible negativethe effects of cold winters, you can hill the lower part of the bushes for 30-40 cm, using for this dry leaves or peat. Even in the case of an extremely cold winter, the bush will be able to recover from the root neck.

The second option

how to cover clematis
And how to cover for the winter clematis, whichbelong to the second group? It includes varieties with unsatisfactory resistance to frost, flowering on the shoots of both the current and the last season of vegetation. Their shelter should be approached with the utmost responsibility.

Before the onset of frosts, it is necessary to cut the whips at a height of about one meter, untangle them, trying not to damage and break rather fragile shoots.

The base of the bush is also covered with a layer of foliage (allthe same 30-40 cm), and the whips themselves folded in a ring, laid along this mound, after which also sprinkled with foliage or peat. From above, this structure is covered with tar, or special material from shops for gardeners.

The third option

How to cover for the winter clematis third-rategroup? In fact, in this case everything is as simple as possible. The fact is that this group includes those varieties that bloom only on the shoots of the current vegetative period. Naturally, it's pointless to approach their shelter too responsibly.

clematis care for the winter
Before covering the clematis of this type, itsthe whip is simply cut at an altitude of 15-20 cm, after which a mound of earth is poured over the root neck from 30-40 cm. No additional measures are needed to carry out any more.

Regardless of which method of shelter you used, after the onset of steady warm weather, you need to rake the mound above the root neck, trying not to damage the fragile plant.

And further! Do not forget about rodents! These small and voracious pests are capable of destroying all your flowers, but because of the shelters hidden for the winter, it will not hurt to scatter poisoned baits.

Here he is, clematis. Leaving for the winter will allow you to always keep your garden blooming and beautiful.

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