The spindle bedroom is a little-known but promising plant

The spindle room is prettyA common indoor plant that can reach a height of up to one meter. To fully develop this plant, it is necessary to plant it in a medium-sized pot. The spindle petrel loves quite frequent watering, which is carried out twice a week in the summer, watering is reduced in the winter, and one watering per week is enough for the plant. Since spindle grass is very fond of fresh air, it is necessary to conduct regular airing of the room, but do not create drafts, as it does not tolerate them well.

Spinelet is evergreena deciduous tree or shrub that has tetrahedral or round shoots. This genus has more than 200 species, but only 130 of them are evergreen. Despite the fact that the flowers of the spindle have rather plain, when the fruit appears, it looks very elegant. When ripe fruits acquire a bright red and purple color, they look like a leathery box.

Spindle room excellent decorativea plant that is quite unpretentious in its content, but so far our gardeners have not gained much popularity. It should be noted that some types of spindle bear easily tolerate low temperatures and are suitable for growing in the middle band.

In ornamental gardening, spindle dwarfIt was spread due to the presence of a beautiful crown, which is very dense, the leaves are planted opposite and therefore they create a mosaic effect. Although the flowers of this plant are not very beautiful, but against the background of dark green leaves, they look very impressive.

With the advent of autumn, spindle leaves do not recognize leavesare colored in various colors, and on one plant you can observe yellow, red, pink, carmine, purple, white and orange shades. Approximately in October, red colors begin to predominate, but even after the fall of the leaves, this plant will delight the eye with its bright and beautiful fruits before the onset of stable frost.

As already mentioned, the spindle has fruits inThe form of boxes, which in summer are almost invisible against the background of foliage. But closer to the fall, they are painted in bright colors, which can be pink, crimson, yellow, dark purple or burgundy hues. At this time, the fruits look very attractive, and if you look from afar, it gives the impression that the plant is blooming again. Later there is an opening of the boxes and from them on the small legs the original seeds of the spindle are dangling. Despite the fact that many people say about the virulence of these fruits, this is not entirely true. They do have some toxic alkoids in their composition, but to get serious poisoning, an adult needs to eat a lot of them.

This plant, thanks to a large numberspecies, has different sizes. Some species can grow up to 5 meters in height, while other species do not grow above 2 meters, but they grow well in width, reaching 2.5 meters. Despite the rather large size, any gardener will be able to form from the spindle form exactly the shape that suits him, since they tolerate circumcision very well. Due to this they are often used as hedges.

There are also creeping species of spindle. They have flexible leaves and do not have trunks, so they quickly and tightly cover the areas designated for them. Due to the fact that they develop well in the shade, any gardener can find an application in his garden.

The spindle well tolerates gassingair, so in urban conditions feels great. It has a root system that spreads over the surface, so it can be grown even on poor soils that have a negligible fertile layer.

This plant can be damaged by pests such as apple moth and aphid. The plant is quite resistant to damage by cvethopodami and mullets.

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