Bedroom - a place for rest

Each apartment has a recreation area where you canrelax and calm down. Such a place is the bedroom. On how its design is executed, comfortable and comfortable pastime of a person depends on it. Therefore, the interior of the room should create all conditions for a high-quality and high-grade rest.

To begin with, you need to select the most appropriateThe bedroom is the closest to the entrance and living room. This will avoid extraneous noise. When designing the design, it is necessary to try to give the room proportional features and the correct form. The interior of the bedroom must be based on smooth lines and transitions, since sharp corners create discomfort.

Particular attention must be paid to colorgamma, because it depends on her well-being and the mood of the owner. Warm pastel colors perfectly relax and create a sense of peace. Best of all, if the bedroom will be covered with a monophonic wallpaper with a soft pattern or without it. The choice of color is greatly influenced by the location of the windows. If they look to the south side, you can, without hesitation, use any shades, including cold ones. The comfort of a room with windows facing the north can be warmed to wallpaper (orange, yellow, etc.). It has long been known that blue and blue color can favorably affect the human nervous system. The shades of eggshells, melted milk, and also creamy are considered neutral. The most advantageous in the interior looks gentle peach tone.

Interior of a bedroom
As a floor covering it is desirableUse laminate or wooden parquet. Carpet, accumulating dust in itself, can have a negative impact on health. Near the bed you can place a small mat made of natural material.

When organizing lighting, remember thata bedroom is a place to relax. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize direct light sources. It is best to use fabric lampshades or matt plafonds. They will create diffused light. The chandelier can be replaced with spotlights. The role of an additional light source in the room can be allocated to the sconce, floor lamp or table lamp.

Furniture for a bedroom must be comfortable andfunctional. The most important place in the interior of the bed. It is recommended to place it either with a headboard against a wall or in a corner. This will allow her master to feel protected during sleep. In order not to harm your health, do not place the bed near the window and under the wall shelves.

Furniture for bedrooms
The bedroom must be equipped with furniturefor storage of things. It can be a wardrobe, chest of drawers, a curbstone. In small rooms it is recommended to use wall shelves and drawers under the bed. Do not overdo with the mirrors. Some people believe that they are inappropriate in the bedroom. It is best to arrange the mirror in such a way that it does not reflect the sleeping person. Depending on the size of the room, the room can accommodate a banquet or ottoman, a dressing table, and a cozy armchair.

It should be remembered that a minimalist interior,assuming the use of fairly low bollards, bed and other items, leaves a lot of space in the bedroom. And high and massive furniture, on the contrary, "eats" the whole volume. Therefore, it is best to use it in rooms with high ceilings.

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