Reminder: how to lay out the foundation for the house

how to mark the foundation for the house

The construction of any house, whatever it isDestination, begins with a foundation. More precisely, with its markup. There is a minimum set of tools that will help in this. In addition, you need to have at least an approximate plan at home to know the desired size. How to mark the foundation for the house? There are several nuances that you need to remember.

First, the foundation is marked not only byperimeter of future construction, but also in depth. And it depends on what materials the house will be made of. The heavier it is, the more thorough the foundation must be and the deeper it is.

Secondly, before marking the foundation forat home, you need to acquire some inventory. This is a tape measure (construction, 20 meters), a bayonet shovel, cord and level. The latter is needed in order for the future foundation to be even. In the future, this will only be a plus for construction and decoration.

Thirdly, before marking out the foundation forat home, you need to pick up pegs that will be driven around the edges of the markup. And not only for them. Noting the main perimeter, you need to measure every room in the house separately. There will also be a foundation, and then a base. This gives the building solidity, which is the guarantee of durability.

The marking of the foundation of the house is necessary, in orderso that the building was not just solid, but even. In the future, this eliminates the need to level the walls in the premises. In addition, the base on the level of the foundation laid at times easier and faster. After all the pegs are driven in, you can start digging out the land. How deep to dig? Usually it is 25-40 centimeters. This will be enough for brickwork, as well as for houses made of beams or foam blocks.

how to mark the foundation for the house

After the perimeter is dug out, you canto proceed and to dig out under interroom partitions. Many neglect this, and in vain. The foundation at the base of the partitions makes it possible to make more solid walls, with good noise and thermal insulation. Each room will be detached. And at the same time, the individual rooms will be linked.

Before marking the foundation under the house, do notforget to prepare and bunch for the bottom. Armature is quite suitable. This will make the foundation strong, durable and stable. A bunch is needed both on the perimeter and inside it, under the partitions. Such a foundation can last up to a hundred years. And while not having any visible "mutilation."

basement marking

So, how to mark out the foundation for the house? A few points:

  • House plan.
  • Marking of the perimeter.
  • Stamping of stakes.
  • Digging the foundation deep.
  • Marking for partitions.
  • Determination of the level of the foundation at all stages.

An important role is played also by the soil on whichthere is excavation under construction. Soft soils have the property of "drowning" structures. That's why it's important not only to properly mark the foundation, but also to fill it. In addition, he needs to stand for about a year until full shrinkage. This will give a guarantee that the building will not warp in the first few years. The sequence of actions is better not to violate, otherwise the result can be quite unexpected.

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