Bed with soft head and lifting mechanism: features, manufacturer, types and sizes

Quality sleep is of great importance forgood mood, working capacity and even the state of health during the day. And in order to sleep, you need to buy a quality and comfortable bed. Is the bed with a soft headboard comfortable for sleeping?

Types of beds with a headboard

Beds with a soft backrest and a lifting mechanism are usually original in shape, look beautiful and stylish. After all, this part of the bed is usually not covered, so it is visible to all who enter the room.

bed with soft head and lifting mechanism

Models with a soft head are conventionally divided into:

  • style (classic, modern, art deco, loft, provence, high-tech);
  • quality of materials and price (elite, standard)
  • size (teenage, single, one-and-a-half, double);
  • the quality of mattresses (built-in or not, orthopedic);
  • the presence of boxes for things and a mechanism for lifting the frame.


Usually beds with a soft headboard are made of wood and metal. Therefore, they are durable and beautiful. And most importantly - can withstand heavy loads, so they serve for a long time.

bed with a soft headboard and lifting mechanism reviews

The headpiece here performs a decorative function. Therefore, it is covered with beautiful materials:

  • Genuine Leather.
  • Ecofriendly.
  • Jacquard.

Natural leather is expensive material. But the most durable and durable. It can be cleaned, including wet.

Eco-skin at the beginning is also very goodlooks. Sometimes it can stay in excellent condition for a long time. But feedback from users suggests that often this material loses its attractiveness, is overwritten, and acquires an unsightly appearance.

Upholstery made of jacquard is good in that in case of damage it is not difficult to change it to another, newer and more beautiful one.

The form

Beds for bedrooms, beds with a soft headboard, can have a different design.

The headboard can be part of it, firmly connected with the body. And it can easily be separated and be a separate element.

beds with a soft headboard dimensions

The headboard can have a different shape:

  • thin and high;
  • wide and low.

They perform different functions. Thin, rather, decorative. You can not lean on him, do not lean against him, lying with a book or magazine on the bed. For this purpose, a broad one is better. You can lie down on it, like a pillow.

The shape of the headboard can be oval, rectangular, non-standard, with bends. There is room for the flight of fancy designers and designers.


When choosing a bed you need first of allpay attention to the quality of the mattress. It will largely determine the level of comfort. Well, if he is orthopedic. Then your spine will not have to strain at night, and in the morning - ache.

The height of the bed also affects the comfort levelbeds. The older her master, the higher the bed. And if a young man easily climbs on a high bed, the elderly sit down and get up with a low will be much harder.

bed with a soft headboard

To be sure of the right choiceheight, you need to sit on the edge of the bed. The feet should be completely on the floor. Listen to your feelings. If you sit comfortably, the height of the bed is matched correctly.

Remember that low beds usually do not have boxes for laundry. They are placed in models with a height of 70 cm.

Comfortable to use beds without legs. First, they do not fall off when used. Secondly, at the bottom of these beds is usually hidden a box for bed linen. But how to put it there? Do not turn every day on the side of the bed with a soft head and lifting mechanism.

Types of hoists

To get to the box, you need to liftsleeping area. This will help make the hoist. It is simply amazing how easily he copes with such a difficult task at first glance. One or more pressing is usually enough to make the niche for your underwear open to your gaze.

double bed with soft headboard and lifting mechanism

In beds with a lifting mechanism, the frame is not attached to the frame firmly. It just lies on top. A lifting mechanism is attached to them. It can be of several varieties.

  • Manual - the easiest. The master of the bed raises the frame with the mattress, and the loops hold it so that it does not slip from its place. This is the cheapest and simple mechanism.
  • The spring is designed to helpmechanism of springs. There is the possibility of adjusting the mechanism depending on the weight of the lifted part. To raise the frame, you need to apply much less effort. The springs are gradually stretched.
  • Gas lift - the most modern and comfortablemechanism. Here, the rise comes from the action of the spring-shock absorber, inside which there is gas. Practically no effort is required to raise or lower. The lack of a gas lift - it can not be regulated. If the weight of the sleeper on the bed has greatly increased, an orthopedic mattress was installed on it, the old mechanism is removed and a new one is installed.

Buying a bed with a soft headboard and lifting mechanism, calculate its parameters. To do this, add the weight of the frame, mattress, sleeping, add 15 percent. Get the right bed width.

The lifting mechanism is installed on different types of beds, including a round bed. And these too can have a soft headboard. The main thing in choosing is the weight of the base.


The main element of the construction of the bed is a frame. Material for its manufacture is metal or wood. The metal is strong, but can be corroded. The tree is ecologically clean. The frame can be oak, walnut, alder, pine, maple. The most durable and durable breeds are oak and beech. Pine will for a long time fill the room with the smell of pine needles.

The mattress is installed on beech orthopedic slats. They give the bed elasticity, while not allowing it to sag.

Matching room size

Usually a large double bed with a softheadboard and lifting mechanism looks good in a large bright bedroom. There is enough room to accommodate other furniture. And for small rooms, single beds with a soft headboard are more suitable.

Dimensions of a bed with a soft headboard

The width of the bed varies from 70 cm to2 m. The standard is a double width of 1.6 m. In order to correctly determine the exact width of your bed, there is a special rule. You need to lie on your back, put your hands in the lock in the chest area and dilute your elbows. Add on both sides at least 10 cm. Then lie down on your side. From the back to the edge of the bed, too, should remain 15 cm.

The length of the bed depends more on the age of the person for whom it is meant. The standard value for adults is 2 m, for children - 1.2 m.

Double bed with lift mechanism

To the double bed with the lifting mechanism was as tight as possible, the base is pulled together with special tools. They divide it into compartments into which they lay the bed.

If the bed with a soft headboard and lifting mechanism is double, and the orthopedic mattress, then it can only be lifted by a gas lift.

Bed size 160x200 cm wide even onEuropean standards. Its base has two section-sections. There are models with lamellas, which are regulated differently for each part. This will help feel comfortable for everyone from sleeping on it.

beds with soft head and lifting mechanism types

On this bed, the lifting mechanism is installed in two ways.

It can be ordinary, in which everything risesbase. On some beds this size for each half has its base. It rises with its lifting gear. Each of the sleeping can clean his bed, without waiting for another.

The bed 180x200 cm is almost always raised by a gas device. Sometimes even a mattress and a frame need to be lifted separately, each with its own mechanism.

One-and-a-half bed

Bed 140x200 cm according to European standardscalled double. At us it is considered one and a half. It happens with one base or two-section. But the climb will be all together, but only vertically.

The lifting device can be gas or spring. Manual almost does not occur.

Single bed

Bed, designed for one person, muchlighter than a double. Therefore, it is usually mounted on it a simpler lifting mechanism. Exceptions are designer exquisite models, where the gas lift looks more natural.

beds for bedrooms beds with a soft headboard

You can lift a single bed with a soft headboard and lifting mechanism vertically or horizontally. Then the mechanism is installed in the side, and the frame rises from one side.

Orthopedic bed

All beds with orthopedic mattressesrise with a gas lift. Their base is made of wood or thin metal to be lighter. Wooden lamellas 1 cm thick are at a distance of 6 cm or 3 cm (reinforced version). They are slightly arched. Their stiffness is adjustable in some models. You can make harder or softer individual areas.


Such sleeping places are made by different furniture companies:

  • The Turkish company Bellona.
  • "Mebrade" (Russia).
  • "Tatami" (China).
  • "HeathLine" (Russia).


Bed with a soft headboard and liftingmechanism reviews collects mostly positive. They point out that the boxes below are very roomy. The gas mechanism easily lifts the bed frame. Not bad coping with this and the spring mechanism.

Very comfortable for users to consider a bed with a soft headboard and a lifting mechanism with a separate lifting of the base parts.

Presence of a place for storage of things compensatesSome drawbacks that occur in different models of such beds. And what about those who have a new bed, but without such an element of decor? Users say that you can buy a soft headboard for an ordinary bed. It turns out a beautiful and original bed with a soft wooden headboard.

Double beds with a soft headboard are more popular than single beds. This can be explained by the fact that the latter look too cumbersome.

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