Waterproofing material: mounting technology. Roofing and waterproofing materials for roll: reviews

Modern waterproofing materialsare reliable and durable. At the moment, just a huge number of their varieties are produced. The most popular because of low cost are used bitumen-polymer and roll materials. About what advantages and disadvantages they are, and also about the features of their installation and we'll talk below.

Varieties of rolled materials

Once upon a time to protect the roofs and foundationsOnly roofing felt and roofing felt were used. Today they also remain quite popular. However, if desired, you can use more modern and expensive analogues, which are more reliable and durable. To such it is possible to carry:

  • Steklorrueroid. In the usual material, cardboard is used as the basis. In this case, it is replaced by fiberglass. Serving such a roll waterproofing material can be up to 15 years.
  • Welded roll materials. Their difference from roofing felt is that there is already a bituminous layer on their lower side. The gluing is done by heating it with a gas burner directly on the roof.
  • Self-adhesive roll material. In this case, the reverse side of the panels is smeared with a polymer composition and covered with a film. After removing the latter, the material is simply laid on the roof. Bonding occurs when the heat is heated by solar rays.
  • Baseless varieties. In this case, cardboard, fiberglass or some other material is not used as a substrate. The fabric consists entirely of polymer with additives.
  • Hydroisol. As a substrate, an asbestos sheet is used.

waterproofing material

Requirements for the roll waterproofing GOST

Roofing and waterproofing materials for rollingwithout fail pass the laboratory tests for quality. According to the standards, the flexibility of ruberoid (GOST 10923-64) should be such that it does not appear cracks when rolled into a roll with a diameter of:

  • 20 mm for the brand RP-250;
  • 30 mm for the RP-420 and RF-350.

For roofing (GOST 10999-64), these indicators are as follows:

  • 10 mm - at 20 g Celsius;
  • 20 mm - for roofing felt;
  • 30 mm for material with sprinkling.

In addition, rolled waterproofing materialsare tested for resistance to tearing in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Also tests are carried out on the degree of watertightness, on the loss of strength when saturated with water, the presence of delamination and the completeness of impregnation.

waterproofing roofing material

Thus, all rolled waterproofing materials are tested (GOST 2678-65). Samples are selected in accordance with GOST 2551-75.

Varieties of bitumen waterproofing

Sometimes roofs and foundations protect fromexposure to moisture and using mastics based on petroleum products. This is also quite an inexpensive way, and it is not difficult technologically. At the moment, the following types of these materials are available:

  • Bitumen-polymer mastics. They are mixtures based on polymers, petroleum bitumen, rubber and various additives. Thanks to the latest polymer waterproofing materials acquire viscosity and resistance to cracking. In addition, the presence of such additives increases the service life of the mastic.
  • Bituminous mastics. There are one- and two-component. In this case, special additives, synthetic or natural, are also used.
  • Bitumen-polymer emulsions. This variety is usually used for waterproofing mineral surfaces. They are aqueous bitumen emulsions with mineral emulsifiers and synthetic latex added in them.

Roofing and waterproofing materials for rolling

What can be used for rolling and bituminous materials

These varieties of waterproofing can be used for:

  • Protection of roofs. In this case, the material is stacked in several layers.
  • Treatment of the walls, bottom and top of the foundation. For this purpose, both bituminous and roll material can be used.
  • Isolation of cellars from the inside and outside. In this case, the floor is usually laid roll material, and the walls are coated with bituminous mastic. However, the last one for waterproofing cellars has recently been used less and less. The fact is that as a result of the penetration of underground water through concrete walls, the film created by it can go away. Currently, more modern materials are used to protect cellar walls - penetrating and injecting.

waterproofing materials

Installation of roll materials

Use this waterproofing can be on roofs with a slope of skates not more than 25 gr. Work in this case is as follows:

  • The waterproofing material is rolled out and left in this position for a day. This is necessary in order for it to be dealt with. You can also just roll out the roll and roll it in the opposite direction.
  • The surface of the roof is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust.
  • The roll rises to the roof.
  • One person smears the surface of the roof with heated bituminous mastic, the second rolls out the roll.

Thus almost any waterproofing roofing material is mounted. Particular attention during gluing should be given to vertical elements, skate junctions, and so on.

bitumen waterproofing materials

Rules to be observed

When installing roll materials, the following rules must be observed:

  • On slopes with a slope angle of less than 15 gr. The roll material is stacked parallel to the ridge from the bottom up. At the same time overlapping on the cornice should be about 15 cm, on the skate - 25 cm.
  • On the slopes more than 15 cm ruberoid is usually laid across, rolling strips from the top down. The lap in this case should be about 40 cm.
  • Between the stripes, overlaps should be made: 10 cm long and 15 cm long.
  • To converge in one place joints of the canvases should not.
  • In the valley before the stinging of the rays, three layers of roofing material must be laid. This greatly reduces the risk of leakage. Next, the installation is performed with an alternation of valley and sloping layers.

Number of required layers

To ensure that the roof is protected as much as possiblereliably, it is stacked several varieties of roofing material. The lower layers are assembled from the material without sprinkling. Such ruberoid is cheaper. On top of the material laid with a sprinkle. The number of layers depends on the angle of inclination of the roof slope:

  • more than 15 gr. - 2 layers;
  • 5-15 gr. - 3 layers;
  • 0-5 gr. - 4 layers.

Welding waterproofing materials: installation

Protection of the roof of this type of waterproofing is as follows:

  • The first layer can be fixed to the roof with nails.
  • The laying starts from the lowest point.
  • Then the roll is rolled out and placed on the place where it should be mounted.
  • The edge of the strip rises and heats up.
  • Then it must be pressed tightly against the surface of the ramp.
  • The canvas again rolls down to a glued place.
  • Gradually roll out the roll, warm up the bottom of its burner, and also the bottom. Under the influence of fire in front of the canvas will form a roller of liquid bitumen.
  • After gluing on the canvas pass a special roller to remove air bubbles from under it.

surfaced waterproofing materials

Installation rules

Overlapping in the case of a fusedmaterial are made the same as in the case of conventional roofing material. When passing the stripes with a roller, special attention should be paid to the edges. Move this tool at an angle - from the middle of the canvas to the outside. Walk on the newly pasted roof can not.

Use of bituminous mastics

In contrast to the roll, the waterproofing material of this variety is more often used to protect from moisture foundations than roofs. The work in this case is performed in the following order:

  • The surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt.
  • The cold mastic is mixed until a uniform composition is obtained, the hot mastic is heated to a temperature of at least 160 g.
  • Then the agent is applied to the surface usually in two layers, the thickness of which on horizontal structures can reach up to 100 mm, on vertical - up to 60 mm.

polymer waterproofing materials

On the roofs bitumen mastics are used mainly as an adhesive for roofing materials.

Modern roller and bitumen waterproofingmaterials are reliable and durable. Simplicity of installation in combination with not too high cost make them very popular. At the moment, these two varieties are used for waterproofing various structural elements of buildings most often. At the same time they are used both in private housing construction and in industrial construction.

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