How to choose a cutting wheel for metal

Practically to any used buildingelectric tools can be selected special nozzles, which have specific characteristics and purpose. Let's look at how to choose a disc for metal for Bulgarians, with what kinds of them it will be able to work.

Types of cutting wheels

cutting disc for metal

They may be aimed at not workingonly with metal, but also with stone, tile, concrete and brick. Conditionally they can be divided into polishing, abrasive and diamond circles cut-off for the Bulgarian. The former are simply metallic or additionally with a cloth coating. Abrasives are made from crumbs, gradually during operation, these discs are cut off for the grinder. Diamond possesses small elements of industrial diamond, which positively affects the term of their work and production characteristics.

Choose the size

Circles cutting for a Bulgarian
When you choose a cutting circle for metal,pay attention to its inner and outer diameter. There are nine types of baits. Any metal cutting disc can be installed on a professional bulgarian. Home usually have an external parameter of 125 millimeters, which allows to judge them as the most popular in everyday life. The inner circle is called a small circle, due to which the circle is set on the bulgarian. It is not recommended to overlook these disk parameters from your attention, because they can differ from what is on the device. Although if we talk about a cut-off circle of 125 millimeters, then the occurrence of such a precedent is very unlikely. And if we talk about using a grinding angle machine of a well-known brand with a no less popular example of a disc, then the emergence of a similar situation - generally from the realm of fantasy.

When do we need a cutting circle for metal and which one to take?

circle cutting price
This is the most accessible type. It is designed exclusively for working with metal products. In the mass of their make abrasive. Thanks to them it is possible to cut sheet metal, metal profile, corners, channel bars. If we consider the most popular in everyday life Bulgar with 125 millimeters, it should be noted a wide variety of assortment of circles that the market offers us. You can choose both domestic and foreign samples. But, despite such a variety, the cutting circle for metal should be used exclusively for this material. If you try to work with such a disc with a stone, at the best it just quickly worn out. But it is possible that it will collapse and cause some harm to a person.

Somewhat different from abrasive diamond wheels. Here it is worth paying special attention to their labeling. The letters indicate what was used in the manufacture. Next to them are the numerals. They indicate the size of the grain. If the numbers are large - then the disc was created to cut black metal. Small - it's aimed at color. If the figures are generally miniature, then this indicates that the circle was created for cutting steel.

Disks of different companies

The choice of a circle depends on the scope of work and financialopportunities. The products of the CIS countries, the European Union and China are widely represented on the market. Luzhsky Abrasive Plant deserves special attention and its products. The most successful and at the same time pleasant in quality are such products:

  1. "Luga".
  2. "Hitachi".
  3. "Russland".

On the products of other countries it is worth noting thatslightly from the quality of us behind the producers of the European Union. The least successful assortment is offered to us by China. When selecting a disc, make sure that it has information on compliance with GOST, and also indicated the symbols of the scope of application. Be bypassed by those circles where the European Union is indicated as the producer, and not the specific country. The presence of such a mark indicates that before you Chinese (read - low-quality) fake. But to avoid unpleasant moments, it is recommended to focus on domestic samples. They are very cheap (which makes their forgery unattractive), besides they are of high quality. But how much is the circle cut-off? The price for abrasive models starts from 20 rubles / piece (if you talk about "Hitachi" and "Luga") and can safely exceed the mark of 50 rubles (and if you buy more expensive models or dealers, do not be surprised at a few hundred dollars). Diamond is more hardy to use, so their average price is estimated at 3-4 thousand rubles, and to the best one you need to add one more zero.

Change the disk

circle cutting 125
Periodically, circles need to be changed, as they areoperation. It is not difficult to do this with a special key. Carefully consider the grinder and find the button, when pressed, which fixes the axis. Click on it and, without letting go, start to unscrew the nut using the key. Then remove the used disc and replace it with another one. Press the nut and tighten it with the key.

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