How to choose a washbasin with a curbstone?

It's no secret that the sink is one of thethe most important elements in each bathroom. A modern bathtub can not be imagined without a washstand. And now this plumbing product, in addition to its direct function, plays an important role in the interior design of the entire room. Another fifteen to twenty years ago, the choice of sanitary ware and furniture for the house was very meager. But at the moment everything has changed dramatically - plumbing stores offer a huge number of different models of shells, both foreign and domestic production. Therefore, their choice should be taken with full seriousness. In this article we will describe what kind of washbasins exist with a bathroom cabinet, and note their advantages.

washbasin with curbstone

Washbasin with cabinet: main features

Among a huge range of products, a washbasin withthe curbstone occupies a special place. Its main advantage is the possibility of rational use of free space. This version of the washstand is perfect for those who live in the panel buildings and dormitories of Soviet times. When a few square meters you need to place a bath at the same time, boxes for things, a washing machine, a bedside table with household chemicals and many other attributes, the washbasin with a curbstone will solve all these problems once and for all. But if you are the owner of a spacious private house or cottage, do not immediately remove this option, because it is great even for the largest bathrooms. A pedestal will help hide the metal pipes and also perfectly fit into your interior. Always remember that washbasins with a curbstone for a dacha are an excellent choice.

Sink with two-door cabinet

washbasins with a cabinet for a bathroom

To date, this is the most popular optionshells. Such a great popularity is explained by the more compact and at the same time capacious design of the washbasin. This version of the dispenser allows you to hide all the disadvantages of the bathroom, namely - water pipes, which does not emphasize the beauty of your interior. Unlike the first option, two-door designs have more than all possible boxes and shelves. Each hostess will be happy with this spaciousness. "There is always a choice," say plumbing shops. Indeed, finding a suitable model for your house or apartment will not be difficult. Now in the shops are shells of all sizes. This can be as a mini-washbasin with a lower cabinet, and a double version with a two-door cabinet.

Suspended washbasin with curbstone

This is the most versatile version of washstands. This type fits perfectly into any interior of the room. With a hanging sink, you can visually increase the free space in your bathroom. With it, any room will look more voluminous and beautiful.

washbasins with a curbstone for giving

So, we figured out all the intricacies and features of the most popular washbasins with curbstones. Proceeding from this, we can safely say that with the choice of the furniture you need, you will not have any difficulties.

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