Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to fight? Effective methods and methods of processing

Butterfly shovel is a polyphagous pest, there are about 100 varieties. Appearing on a suburban site and damaging plants, they cause a lot of trouble to gardeners.

Various methods and methods for combatingpests (larvae, caterpillars and scoops). Having spent a lot of time and energy on growing seedlings and further care for tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is very annoying to find holes in tomatoes.

caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse how to fight

Who hurts and how to deal with this? And they do it with scoops, making huge holes in tomatoes and eating the flesh from the inside.

Looks like

Outwardly a shovel is a rather plain butterfly,which has a slight similarity to the moth. She lays eggs on the back of the leaf, for this reason it is very difficult to notice newly hatched larvae.

 caterpillars on tomatoes in the greenhouse causes

Caterpillars appear in the light after 3 days. Color depends on the species, they are gray-green, green or dark-brown with wavy lines along the sides of the trunk and light strips. The body is covered with hairs. In the next 22 days there is development in an adult.


Varieties of scoops a large number, the most famous of them:

  1. Cabbage scoop, which harms oil, fruit, leguminous and vegetable crops.
  2. The vegetable scoop, affecting cabbage, trout, tomatoes, legumes.
  3. Winter scoop, which damages the field of cereals.
  4. Pine scoop. It harms coniferous plants.
  5. Scoop-gamma multiplies wherever flax, potatoes, beets, corn and legumes are grown.

How to deal with pests in the garden? Caterpillar on tomatoes, caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse

To confront with a scoop, various methods are used that depend on its condition: larva, caterpillar, butterfly.

In order to fight with scoops, it is necessary to weigh a container with the smell of pheromones, molasses or fermented kvass at a meter height.

caterpillar on tomato caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse

To combat caterpillars and larvae, you need:

  • In the last month of autumn dig all the earth, sohow they hibernate in the soil. As a result, a significant proportion of pests will die. At the beginning of the new season is also recommended to dig up the soil, in order to reduce the number of overwintered insects.
  • Manually collect the larvae.
  • Thoroughly destroy flowering weeds, since scoops feed on nectar, and its lack leads to weakening of the individual.
  • Observe the alternations of planting different plant cultures.
  • It is necessary to clean weed grass, since they serve as the initial food base.
  • Carry out spraying with insecticides one month before harvesting.

In the spring period, apply Decis, Karate,"Fury"; and in the summer season, "Fufanon", "Zolon", "Danadim". Apply them according to the instructions, carry out no more than 2 treatments per year. Spray biopreparations, for example, "Agverotin", "Aktofit", "Fitovermom."

Fighting caterpillars: general rules

Caterpillars on tomatoes in the greenhouse: how to deal with them? For the struggle it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, which contains the following measures:

  • During the spring period, weeds are permanently destroyed. This will help reduce the number of larvae and butterflies.
  • Regularly inspect the greenhouses, especially during the flowering period.
  • Sprinkle with chemical preparations "Iskra"Leptocide. Repeat spraying after a week, since the caterpillars do not all appear at once. Further only biological substances can be used, because the period of ripening and harvesting does not tolerate chemical preparations. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times.
  • Do not allow the caterpillar to form to large sizes.
  • In the autumn period, it is necessary to destroy all the remains of plants that were spoiled by a caterpillar, and dig up a bed.
  • In the summer season it is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time.

Folk remedies

If there were caterpillars on tomatoes in the greenhouse, how to fight with the help of folk remedies? In case they later saw that caterpillars were started in tomatoes, then it is no longer possible to use chemical agents.

caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse how to deal with a scoop

Vegetable growers recommend the following ways of processing plants infusions:

  • Of herbs. To prepare the infusion, you need 10 liters of hot water, in which you need to add 400 g of celandine, tobacco, wormwood and 200 g of garlic. In a day, add 40 grams of soap.
  • From wormwood. In 3 liters of water, add 1 kg of wormwood, then boil for 15 minutes. Process the plants two times, then a week-long break and you can repeat the procedure.
  • Of mugs. Cut half a bucket of burdock leaves, then add water and insist for 3 days.

The salt solution can be sprinkled with tomatoes directly on the plant.

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with a scoop?

For the treatment of tomatoes from pests use the following means.

  1. Lime, wood ash and tobacco powder mix thoroughly in the same proportions and pollinate the affected plants.
  2. In a container of cold water, pour 2 cups of ash and pour 2 small spoons of liquid soap. The resulting solution is sprayed with plants.
  3. Treatment of plants with a solution of potassium permanganateit is very advantageous, firstly, it helps in countering the scoop, secondly, fertilizer, and thirdly, it is a means that disinfects and kills bacteria and viruses. For the treatment of seedlings, pour a glass of saturated solution of potassium permanganate into a bucket filled with water, and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. In a bucket of water dilute 5 g of potassium and 10 g of superphosphate, insist for a day. Apply several times at intervals of 8 days, up to 3 times per season. In addition, this solution can help with aphids.
  5. In 1 liter of hot water add 400 grams of laundry soap, then gently pour 800 ml of kerosene and add 9 liters of water. All mix and instantly use for processing.

Horticulture Tips

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with them with the help of the advice of experienced summer residents? Lures for caterpillars, scoop produce from sweet drinks, syrups, kvass, beer, juices that can wander. Place the bait in small jars. It is necessary to remove the caterpillars that caught the bait.

 how to get rid of caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse

To scare off butterflies, eggshells are used,which is laid out between plants. Birds, especially tits and sparrows, like to eat larvae and caterpillars, they will help reduce the number of pests. For birds, you can hang up feeders.

Next to tomatoes plant cilantro and basil, scoops do not tolerate the aroma of these herbs, so they will fly over your landing.

Biological methods

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with biological methods? To destroy pests, you can use Trichogramma - these are small insects that lay eggs inside the eggs of butterflies scoop. This method is used twice a season.

Significant benefit is brought by insects riders, whose females puncture the caterpillar with a toxin that stops digestion and leads to its death.

holes in tomatoes who hurt and how to fight

Caterpillars on tomatoes in the greenhouse, the reasons for themappear directly depend on their timely detection. It is not always possible to determine the time of the pest to determine the timing of the beginning of the treatment. If untimely spraying treatment will not produce any result. Establish a massive invasion of insects possibly thanks to pheromone traps.

In conclusion, I would like to note that after reading the article, everyone will be able to answer the question: how to get rid of caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse.

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