To have a good seedling tomato, how often to water?

seedling tomato, how often to water
One of the most popular gardening cropsare considered tomatoes. Such popularity they have won thanks to their nutritional qualities and dietary properties. However, a huge variety of varieties suggests different methods of cultivation. In order for the tomato seedlings to grow well, how often to water it is a very important point.

Tomatoes can be cultivated both in the protected by film coverings a ground, and under an open sky. Skilled gardeners grow tomatoes on window sills and balconies.

How to choose the right place for planting?

Tomatoes are very fond of warm conditions, the bestthe temperature values ​​for them are +22 ... + 24 ° C, at night slightly lower (+17 ... +18 ° C). Tomatoes need to be protected from the slightest frost, otherwise they will die. Growing tomatoes, you should take care that they are adequately illuminated by the sun.

When to plant?

When growing a seedling tomato, how oftenwater it - a very important issue, since tomatoes like moist soil. Planting seedlings is necessary only after the termination of frosts, they are pernicious for tomato. When the soil warms up to about +10 ° C, you can start landing.

watering of tomato seedlings

The subtleties of cultivation of tomato seedlings

It is more expedient to prepare the soil independently,so as not to doubt its quality. Tomatoes are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, so it will be sufficient to combine in equal quantities humus, turf and peat. Previously, they need to be sifted in order to separate the garbage. There is an opinion that it is desirable to steal the soil, but many experts do not recommend this, believing that in this case all useful bacteria will die.

Seed preparation

Prepare seeds for seedlings, butsprouting them is not necessary. Seeds of tomatoes must be soaked in a solution that is a growth stimulant. Cultivate them better in small containers with a height of about 8 cm. Do not put tomatoes of different varieties next to them, they may not settle down.

If the temperature values ​​in the room, wherethere is a seedling, will be +25 ... + 30 ° C, then the germination period of the seeds will be about a week. The duration of growth is also affected by factors such as the quality of raw materials and the duration of its pre-storage and preparation. Therefore, the germination period can be from 4 to 20 days.

After everything has been sown, the containers should be covered with polyethylene film or glass, and then put in a warm place, near the heat source.

When the first shoots appear, the capacityremove the coating and move the seedlings to the lightest place. Initially, the temperature values ​​should be reduced to +12 ° C, and at night - to +10 ° C. Then the temperature should be raised to +19 ° C. Prior to picking, care of seedlings consists in watering and loosening the soil. Sprinkling of tomato seedlings should be carried out by standing water. In order for sprouts to become strong and strong, in the first days it is necessary to arrange additional lighting for them, which should come 14-18 hours a day.

the better to water the tomato seedlings

About 20 days after sowing, you will see the first leaves. It is very important to cut out the sprouts in separate containers in time to prevent overgrowth.

From weak shoots, one should not expect a largeharvest, so picking is worth starting with strong seedlings. A special peg should be made a small groove and gently place the seeds in the soil to the level of leaflets, and then tightly squeeze the ground.

In this period it is important to create optimal conditionsfor seedlings: temperature values ​​should be +18 ... + 19 ° C, and at night - a few degrees lower. The thermometer should be placed near the container with the seedlings. To have a good seedling tomato, how often to water, how to fertilize and where to place - these are the main nuances.

In a week you need to make the first fertilizingmineral fertilizer, and then repeat it every 10 days. Now watering the tomato seedlings with warm water, loosening the soil and adding ground mixture are the basic rules for caring for tomatoes. Sprouts will be drawn to the light, so the container should be regularly deployed.

how to properly water a seedling tomato

Watering tomatoes

While growing seedling tomato, how often to water, everyone knowsan experienced gardener. Watering should be uniform and regular, so that the leaves do not overheat. It is desirable to conduct the mulching, and the stream of water should be directed to the center of the aisle, so as not to damage the plant. It is necessary to produce watering before lunch, but there is no need to wait until the leaves begin to fade.

The better to water the tomato seedlings, it is necessaryto know everyone who has decided to achieve good results and to grow delicious tomatoes. The water must be stationary, preferably filtered, it must be heated to room temperature.

10 days before tomato transplantation, it is necessary to limit the watering a little and gradually accustom the shoots to the rays of the sun. During the day, you can keep the container in the greenhouse, and in the dark, you can transfer it to the street.

How to properly water the seedlings tomato beforeplanting - it depends on the weather. If it's very hot, you need to make sure that the leaves get enough vapor, then they will not dry.

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