Armeria: planting and care, cultivation

Armeria is one of the most beautiful and gentleflowers that can please the eye of the gardener more than one year. With the Celtic its name can be translated as "close to the sea". And this is not surprising, because the most common type of armory is seaside. Another version of the origin of the name of this plant says that in translation from the French "armories" - one of the varieties of cloves, which has an external resemblance to the armenia.

armory landing and care

So, if you have an armory in your garden, cultivation, care, reproduction of this flower and its characteristics should be well known to you.


The plant is perennial, reaches a height of 50centimeters. Has a small root. Stem straight, can be smooth or pubescent. Flowers are small, assembled into rosettes, their shades range from white to purple, collected in inflorescences. They form round spherical "pillows". Due to its low growth and brightness can act as a "carpet" of the site, if the landing is sufficiently dense. It looks good in the neighborhood with creeping plants.

Armeria cultivation care breeding

Flowering of the armeria falls on May - August. There are more than 60 species of this plant, the most common are the soddy, alpine, prickly and seaside.

Cultivation from seeds

Decoration of any garden can become well-groomedthrift. Planting and grooming, the characteristics of cultivation should be studied by a gardener, before he decides to acquire a blooming beauty. For those who do not want to buy ready-made seedlings, there is an opportunity to grow armenia from seeds on their own.

Seed multiplication can be carried outseedlings and seedlings. In the open ground, the seeds are planted before the winter or early March. If it is planned to grow seedlings in greenhouses, seed sowing takes place at the end of February.

Armeria landing and care

Seeds of the flower are planted in wood orplastic containers. Keep in a dry and warm place. After the seeds have sprouted a little, they are covered with a film or gauze, creating a greenhouse effect. And only after this shoots can be transplanted into the open ground.

Armeria landing and care in the open ground

Reproduction of armeria is carried out by seeds ordivision of the bush. Bushes are divided in spring or early autumn, put in water and wait for the appearance of sprouts, and then planted in the ground. Each bush is best divided into small pieces that can easily and quickly take root.

Features of landing

What kind of soil does armieur like? Planting and caring for this flower should be done on sites with a moist, light, not very alkaline soil. The place should be open and sunny, perhaps only a slight darkening. The soil should always be kept loose and moistened, it is better if it is sandy and stony areas.

For some plant species, soil is required,saturated with calcium. During the preparation of the site for planting armies, much attention is paid to drainage, since the flower does not tolerate the accumulation of moisture at the roots.

An unpretentious plant is the armeria. Growing and caring for it can be carried out during periods of drought and frost. However, despite this, in a hot dry weather the flower should be regularly watered.

What else can an armory demand? Planting and caring for the flower also includes fertilization. Top dressing is carried out before flowering. During the season, organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced about 2-3 times. Much attention must necessarily be given to fertilizing, if the armature grows on peat, clay and loamy soils.

Care of the plant

If your site has an armory, landing andCare for her will not take away much effort and time, since this flower is quite unpretentious. So that the plant distributes all its forces to the formation of new buds and is pleased with long flowering, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers in time, as well as peduncles, on which new buds are not formed.

Armeria cultivation and care

When an armory reaches the age of five, itsIt is necessary to excavate, divide into several small parts and plant. In the future, this procedure should be carried out every 2-3 years, otherwise the plant will grow.

Since armeria is frost-resistant, it is notrequires special shelter. But the plant does not tolerate little snow winters, ice crusts, long wet periods. Therefore, it will be right to plant a flower on the hills, and cover it in snowless winters with leaves or fir paws.

In the heat it is recommended to moisten the leaves of the flower.

There is an opinion that Armeria should not be grown in one place for more than 7-8 years. So after this period, the plant is better to transplant.

Armeria: landing and care in the open ground

In the open ground, plant seeds are planted inlate autumn or early spring. On top, lightly sprinkled with earth. It is very important to keep the beds permanently moistened, but you should water very carefully, so as not to wash the seeds and do not choke them far into the soil. Before sowing seeds for about a week are kept in the refrigerator. After this, soaked in water for 6-7 hours, and then planted.

If disembarkation to the open ground is not carried outseeds, and seedlings, the armories are placed at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other to create a dense floral carpet. Planting is done in rows, in shallow trenches.

In the first weeks after planting, regular copious watering is necessary. However, bogging of the soil should be avoided.

Armeria are used for planting in curbs, rockeries, in crevices of walls and between slabs of paths.

Diseases and pests

Absolutely not afraid of diseases or peststhrift. Planting and caring for it only on acidic soils with stagnation of moisture in the winter can lead to the fact that the flower becomes weak and vulnerable to aphids. Fight with this pest is a complete pruning of the plant. Also, preventive treatment of the flower early in the spring also helps.

Armeria seaside

An amazingly beautiful view is Armeriaseaside. Planting and caring for it does not require knowledge of specific agrotechnical rules. This plant is rather unpretentious and frost-resistant. In natural conditions it grows in Europe and North America on the sea dunes and coasts. Height does not exceed 20 centimeters, flowers are mauve. Flowering lasts almost all summer.

Armory seashore landing and care

So, there are many varieties of armory. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentious temper, resistance to various weather conditions. The plant has perfectly taken root in our climate and is able to bloom throughout the summer, perfectly adjacent to other flowers. With minimal care, these delicate flowers will serve as a real decoration for any garden and delight you for more than one year.

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