The Baptism of Children: What You Need to Know Before an Important Event

When a child appears in the family,undoubtedly, happiness, for good reason they say that children are God's gift. Over time, the young family begins to think about the time to commit the sacrament of baptism over their child. Inexperienced parents have to prepare well for this event and learn a lot of new things. If they expect from childhood to bring up the crumbs in Christian traditions, they should realize how important the step is the baptism of children. What do you need to know for this?

the baptism of children that you need

Preparation for baptism

The process of preparing for this sacrament beginsalready when the young parents decided that the child's baptism would soon take place. What do you need to know in order to choose the right date? First, it is worth remembering that the sacrament of baptism can be held in any period of the church year, even during fasting. But at what age to baptize a baby, parents can determine themselves. It is believed that it is better to perform the sacrament in the first few weeks after the birth of the baby. After the rite of the child's baptism, one can constantly receive communion, and this gives the child spiritual and physical health. If parents are focused on the spiritual education of their child, then for them this fact will be very important. There are also a number of questions that arise for those who will be baptized children: "What should I bring with me to church?" and "How to choose the godparents?" First you need to buy a cross, you can do it in the temple itself, there are already sold the consecrated goods. The cross of the cross does not have to be expensive, the most common one is suitable, because the rite implies completely different values. The cross buys the godfather. He also pays for the rite, if there is no agreement that parents do it.

Baptism of a child
The godfather must bring two towels. One is left in the church, and the other is needed to wipe the baby during the rite. Traditionally, this towel should be absolutely new, in the future they can wipe the baby during illness, it is carefully stored without washing. The godparents for the baby are chosen from the closest and most trusted people. It is very important that they are not a couple. A question may also arise: "If there is such an important event as the baptism of children, what should the godparents do?" It is advisable that they confess and commune to the very sacrament. They have great responsibility for inculcating spiritual traditions to the godson.

Sacrament of Baptism

how much is the baptism of a child

The ordinance itself is usually held in the morning, afterthe end of the service. But if the family has any circumstances, they can try to negotiate with the priest so that he can set an individual time. As a rule, several babies are baptized in the temple at once, but this depends on how large the church is, and whether there are many parishioners. How much does it cost to baptize a child? In fact, the price that is indicated is only a donation that goes to the needs of the church. On average, it ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles. But if the young family has a difficult financial situation, then, of course, the church will meet and the sacrament will be held without payment. Rite lasts not very long, but the kid, of course, can be capricious. Sometimes the priest allows him to take him into the hands of his mother, although according to the rules of the baby the godfather keeps it. It is very important that young parents responsibly approach the first visit to the Temple of God by their child, they should understand how important this ceremony is - the baptism of children. What do you need to make it go well? The most important thing is faith, which lives in the hearts of people and will eventually become stronger in the little heart of the baby.

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