Is the snake in a dream good or thin?

Have a clear guide to action and forecastthe outcome of events a person has always dreamed of. It is on the basis of this desire and there were all sorts of dream books and fortune-telling. The search for mystical meanings in the images of dreams of relevance has not lost today. And if prophetic dreams happen extremely rarely, then our subconscious mind gives out dream-warnings with an enviable regularity. In this case, the main thing is not to mix up the important and the secondary and not model the unfavorable situation yourself. For example, a dream with snakes is interpreted by any dream book as a struggle with hidden ill-wishers. But no book will tell you how to recognize these hostile comrades. You will have to do it yourself.

There are many interpretations, which means a snake in a dream. Each dream book gives several decoding symbols at once, depending on which situation was presented in the dream.

For example, if in a dream you happened to see a dead snake that bit you. How does the dream book reveal this image? Such a dream means that your close friend is a deceiver and a hypocrite, but soon it will unfold.

Snakes, falling from above, mean remorse. But if you kill a snake in a dream, then do not stop at anything on the road to success. This situation also symbolizes quick success and victory over enemies.

If a snake in a dream stings you, expect attacks fromenemies. It was necessary to take a reptile in hand - the fight against hostile forces will be crowned with success. The boa constricted, wrapped around your body with rings - no effort will not help, enemies will prove stronger.

Gad, creeping away from you, symbolize your convincing victory, but if the snake twitched and stung in a dream, wait for big troubles from the enemies.

Of course, such a dream interpretation is based onlife experience as well as Russian proverbs. Notice that the treacherous friend here is also represented as a reptile. Remember the expression "the snake on the chest warmed."

A more interesting interpretation is the dream bookesoteric. According to him, a snake in a dream symbolizes a powerful flow of energy that must be learned to manage. If you had to fight with a snake, then you have already managed to curb this energy and control it.

To catch a snake in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the acquisition of reliable protection and patronage.

In a dream it was possible to pass along a path swarming with snakes - in life expect anxieties and fears connected with health.

Often the dream books lead to more specific interpretations of the image of the reptile. For example, a snake in a woman's dream, can mean the intrigues of enemies, evil machinations or mighty patrons.

If a woman dreams that her child was inbut she hears only a snake hiss and can not look back to understand the situation, it means that she will be involved in dangerous intrigues.

If a woman in a dream sees a snake that hypnotizes her with a look, this is a warning that all oppression is waiting for her. But in this case you can count on the help of high patrons.

As the "Eastern Dream Book" assures us, the green snakemeans problems with health - real or imaginary. If in your sleep the reptile takes unexpected, fantastic outlines - health problems in real life will be far-fetched.

I must say that such a symbolism also has its roots. Suffice it to recall that the God of healing Asclepius was portrayed in the form of a snake.

Of course, analyzing the interpretation of dreams, it is impossibleTo overlook the popular dream book of Sigmund Freud. If you believe Grandpa Freud, a snake in a dream means nothing more than a male sexual organ. However, Mr. Sigmund Freud is not the only one who saw in the reptiles erotic subtext. Remember, at least, the expression "one-eyed serpent".

According to Freud, to escape in a dream from a snake forwomen means a problem in the sexual sphere. If a snake in a dream takes the place of a partner, this is a good sign, foreshadowing pleasant changes in sexual life.

If in a dream you happened to chase a snake, you are very active in sex.
Kissing a snake in a dream means a hidden desire for oral sex.
The snake's bite is cheating on his partner or a little affair on the side.
By the way, for a man, sleep with a snake means hidden homosexual tendencies.

As you can see, each dream book gives its interpretation of the image of the reptile. In such a variety it is difficult to understand, therefore, it is better to proceed from the concrete events taking place in your life.

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