Learn what is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac with you

In order to find out what you are waiting for your belovedahead, what are your prospects in family life, you can look into the horoscope. So, for example, in India, before marrying, the bride and groom turn to the astrologer to create an individual horoscope for them, showing compatibility with the signs of the zodiac. If the forecasts are unfavorable, then it can even destroy the wedding. In other countries, everything is not so severe. Europeans treat this quite differently. And even with an unfavorable forecast, you can marry, because the main thing is love, and the stars incline, but do not commit.

Before you is a horoscope, which shows compatibility for the signs of the zodiac.

Let's start with Aries.

In the Aries-Aries alliance, a woman in sexual relations will always dominate. The man in every possible way resists the role of a subordinate.

With Taurus, communication will cause constant quarrels andscandals because the first sign of the zodiac makes love, experiencing feelings, and Taurus - calculating and impulsive. And it will just be annoying.

But with the Twins, everything is fine. They are both active and tireless, they like to learn everything new.

If the partner is Cancer, then in this union there is a powerful sexual attraction. Due to inconsistency of temperaments, incompatibility in bed is possible.

Aries and Leo are equally aggressive in temperament, but their overt sexuality leads to complete harmony in bed.

With the Virgin, a happy marriage is possible in the event that they come to mutual understanding. The chances of a successful marriage here are 50 to 50.

Next to Libra, this sign is likely to be only temporary. Between them, a short communication is possible, but not marriage.

Sex with Scorpio can be challenging. But both these signs are independent, they do not tolerate control over themselves.

Good communication with Sagittarius. Thanks to mutual understanding, these two signs can create a favorable atmosphere for the relationship.

With Capricorn, marriage is more preferable than a short connection.

If we talk about the compatibility of Aries and Aquarius, then there will be a rather violent physical connection, which will bring many new sensations.

With Pisces, life together will be full of fun and pleasant emotions.

What is the compatibility of zodiac signs in Taurus?

In marriage with Aries this sign should turn a blind eye to adultery. Otherwise, it can not be saved.

The Union of Taurus with Taurus can develop in many ways. A woman here is more sentimental in love, and a man is a terrestrial nature.

With Gemini, the relationship will be colorless and for marriage is absolutely unpromising because of the strong difference in character.

Provided that the physical side will satisfy Taurus and Cancer, they will have a happy and happy marriage.

With Leo it will be very difficult to get along, since it is very hard for him to please.

With the Virgin is a pretty good connection - here it is possible a happy marriage.

Emotional warmth and understanding will bring in the sexual life of Taurus Libra. Here you can see a wonderful long union.

With Scorpio, communication will be full of storms, the marriage will be happy only with the tolerance of both signs.

Sagittarius Taurus will try not to let it out of the zone. But marriage here is unlikely to be ideal, as Sagittarius is more a good lover than a husband.

With Capricorn acts the same attraction. Romantics in this relationship will never be. But a lasting partnership is possible here.

The connection between Taurus and Aquarius will not be long, the marriage here is unpromising.

With Pisces, a fervent connection and a good union are possible.

If you look at the compatibility of the signs of the zodiacat Gemini, we can select the best pair - with Leo, Libra. Also, long-term relationships with Aquarius are possible, but there will be more affection than passions. Risky bond and unhappy marriage await this sign with Pisces and Scorpio, as well as Virgo, Cancer and Taurus.

As for Cancer, compatibility on the sign of the zodiac is ideal with Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio, and also Pisces. Risky and undesirable is the alliance with Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra and Aries.

Now let's talk about Lev's compatibility with othersigns of the zodiac. The most perfect marriage will be with Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius. Unsuccessful will be a marriage with Fish, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, and also the Virgin and Cancer.

We move on to the next sign of the zodiac - this is Virgo. Here a happy marriage is possible with Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn. With other signs, the union will not be successful.

The next sign of the zodiac, of which we will talk -it's Libra. A wonderful connection is possible here with Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius. As for other signs, there is very little likelihood that the marriage will be happy.

If we talk about Scorpio, then the signs for the zodiac are excellent for marriage, like Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. With other signs, very often this sign simply does not get along.

If we talk about Sagittarius, then the most successful for this sign will be a marriage with Aries, Leo and Libra.

For Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces will be the best for marriage.

Aquarius will live a wonderful and happy life with Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

And finally, Pisces. This sign will perfectly live with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.

If you decide to check with a partnercompatibility, the signs of the zodiac here, of course, play a role. But in general, it all depends on how much you love each other. If in your family there will always be mutual understanding, tenderness, trust and there will be no place for betrayal, then your marriage will necessarily be happy.

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