What does dandruff dream about? We'll find out!

Everyone has dreams. Someone they are rich and colorful, someone - black and white and confused, someone remembers them, some do not, dreams are long and short, realistic and imaginative ... And how much the world exists, so many people try to unravel , to what this or that object, animal or thing was dreamed, what should be expected in connection with such a dream.

what does dandruff dream about
Many believe that this is a kind of message,correctly understood which, you can avoid trouble in the near future. Dozens of dream books have been written, hundreds of websites dedicated to the interpretation of dreams have been created, there is even a special science dealing with the issues of dreams - onyrology. The oldest known to date dreambook is almost five hundred years old!

In such a book you can find everything that the soulplease. What does it mean a broken mirror in the dream, a rain, an hourglass, what does dandruff dream about ... Yes, yes, do not be surprised, in dreambooks there is more!

Let's see

That's about what dreams of dandruff, now andLet's talk. So, if a person sees dandruff in a dream, then, strange as it may sound, luck will soon smile on him. Provided that this problem is observed in himself. If someone dreams of dandruff in the hair of other people, this is also not bad - you can wait for the conclusion of a profitable contract, a long-awaited deal, the signing of a promising contract.

dreams dandruff in the hair
If a woman dreams, what she is going through because ofthe appearance of dandruff, in real life it will soon be a pleasant company and fun pastime. But if someone had a dream of dandruff lying on his shoulders, this is not very good: there will be either some reason for a bad mood, or a protracted illness. If in a dream dandruff flies from the head, it promises the fulfillment of desires.


When a person displays dandruff in a dream, thismeans that he is obsessed with finances and thinks too much about money, it's time to give yourself a break. If, in a dream of dandruff, it itches the head, you can wait for promotion on the career ladder and promotion. And if someone told you about the presence of dandruff, it means that you are popular, and many are eager to get into the circle of your communication. To see shampoo from dandruff - someone admires you, but is embarrassed to say about it.

dream book
But these are all common, folk interpretations. Now let's go through the dream books of different authors.

Esoteric dream book

Why does he dream of dandruff? Of course, to the money! And in any case. If a person dreams of dandruff in his own hair, it means that things are going uphill and will soon bring a lot of profit. If on someone else's head, then, one of the relatives or friends will either provide material assistance, or show the way how you can earn money.

What does dandruff dream about in the dream book of the 21st century?

To success in love affairs and a lot of wealth. If a person in a dream sees dandruff in someone else, then this dream book states that in real life he will succeed in successfully avoiding the trap that one of the enemies prepared, or in time to detect deception.

Sonny Hasse assures: saw in a dream dandruff - expect great wealth.

And why does dandruff dream of a Wanderer dream? In fact, all the same - he says that such a vision of any person on his head - this is an unexpected acquisition.

A small conclusion

In general, there is an unambiguous conclusion: saw a dream of dandruff - wait for prosperity. Perhaps buy a new car. Or move to a huge private house. Either win a lottery lottery. Maybe someone from the acquaintances will offer interesting and highly paid work. But, be that as it may, there is no need to be frightened of such a dream - it promises only good. We wish dandruff in your life to appear only in dreams! Health to you and sweet dreams!

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