Dream interpretation: what does a tomato dream about?

The tomato in our country is very loved andoften used in food, a vegetable, without which we simply do not represent either the daily diet or the garden beds. But what if this vegetable was dreamed of in our dreams? Ask for an answer to the question about what a tomato dreams about, we offer to the most popular and complete dream books of our time.

what does a tomato dream about

Dreamer Gustav Miller: Tomatoes in a dream

According to the interpretation of this dream book, ifa sick person dreams that he is eating tomatoes, then recovery will come soon. Dreaming quickly maturing tomatoes in the garden promise the dreamer a great happiness in family life. What does a tomato dream about to the fairer sex? If beautiful ripe tomatoes dreamed an unmarried girl, then such a dream heralds a happy and strong marriage with a worthy person.

Ukrainian dream book: why does a tomato dream?

The red tomato, according to the interpretation of this dream book,is a bad sign, a dreamer's many problems and worries. Ripe tomatoes predict disease or the appearance in your life of a secret lover, because of the relationship with which, subsequently, you may have to blush with shame.

what does the tomato red

Hints received in a dream: the interpretation of dreams about tomatoes

According to this source, the strong andripe tomatoes symbolize energy and activity. Very often such dreams are harbingers of great success, which will crown all your plans and beginnings. However, moving towards the intended goal, keep in mind that excessive assertiveness and a sense of pride can greatly damage the cause. If the tomatoes in your sleep are damaged or rotten, then you may be threatened by losses and various setbacks in business. Often the cause of such problems can be excessive ambitions and inherent arrogance.

dreamlike dream of tomatoes

Universal dream book: what is the dream of tomatoes?

According to information taken from this source,the dream in which you grow tomatoes at home promises you a secret love that you will hide in the most careful way from everyone around you. The dream in which you are engaged in caring for tomatoes growing in the garden, foreshadows the situation that some very curious person can learn your secret, and then divulge it, thereby giving you a lot of problems and troubles. Seedlings of tomatoes promises confusion in business or visit of an unpleasant guest. If you dream that you are watering high tomato bushes with large, abundant fruits, then, probably, in the near future you will learn about the existence of an opponent living near you. To gather ripe beautiful red tomatoes - to financial well-being and great personal happiness, green and immature - to problems at work. Why dream a tomato that has deteriorated and blackened from the sudden onset of early colds and frosts? Such a dream is considered a bad sign, foreshadowing a dreamer, a possible deterioration in vision and a progressive illness associated with the eyes. Preserve or pickle tomatoes in a dream - to change attitudes. If you dream that you eat dishes that include tomatoes, then you will have a long life.

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