Aquamarine. Properties of stone and its description

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl. The color of the stone is greenish-blue. Its main difference from topaz or sapphire is the characteristic two-color, which can be observed with a change in the angle of view.

aquamarine stone properties

Aquamarine. Properties of the stone, helping to improve health

The considered gem facilitates gastric andtoothache. It will also help cope with liver diseases. If you look at this stone for a long time, you can improve your eyesight. Aquamarine helps to calm down with nervous overexcitation and remove excess fluid from the body. According to lithotherapists, this mineral will strengthen immunity and will allow to get rid of toxins. Rings with the mentioned stone will eliminate the skin diseases, the pendant will improve the condition with problems with the thyroid gland, and the earrings will make the dream calm and allow you to forget about nightmares. Here are such useful aquamarine-stone properties.

aquamarine stone properties photo
Photos of this mineral, presented in the article,reflect all its beauty. Depending on the deposit, aquamarine can have a different color - from celestial blue to dark blue. Some of its crystals reach a truly record-breaking size. So, the aquamarine of 125 centimeters long is kept among the exhibits of the Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. In 1976, an outstanding specimen of this mineral weighing 82 kg was found in the east of Transbaikalia! Excellent quality aquamarine from Brazil weighing 23.3 kilograms was sold for one million dollars.

Aquamarine. Properties of stone that will be of interest to lovers of mysticism

Since ancient times, this mineral was considered to be the strongestmagic means, which protects its owner from astral deception. It was often used as an amulet, which develops inner vision, calming storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters. Aquamarine (the properties of the stone to this day are valued by magicians and sorcerers) helps to recognize the mysterious meaning of events, decipher the signs of fate and direct positive energy for the benefit of people. This gem allows you to control actions and thoughts, cutting everything that violates the laws of justice and virtue. He is often called the wise teacher of man.

aquamarine stone properties zodiac sign

It is noteworthy that aquamarine changes its shadedepending on the mood of its owner. Affect the color of this mineral and weather conditions. That's why our ancestors used the gem as a barometer. Dark and green, he foreshadowed the impending storm. Such an interesting way is shown by aquamarine stone properties.

The sign of the zodiac Pisces can strengthen itspositive qualities under the influence of this mineral. It helps the gem and Cancers. However, aquamarine (stone properties thoroughly studied by astrologers) will become a source of misfortunes and disappointments for Sagittarius and Gemini.

The described mineral is considered a good amuletfor sailors, scientists and lovers of travel. With the help of aquamarine you can get rid of bad habits, obsessive fears, and also find the strength to forgive the offender with all your heart.

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