Why snakes? A woman that promises this terrible image?

Why snakes? A woman, most likely, even in a dream book does not need to look. A creeping and unpleasant creature predicts trouble, any will say. But what kind of "bummer" will happen, it is necessary to recognize the dream by the plot.

what does a snake have a woman
Just see the snake

If you walk through a meadow and stumble upon a creeperReptile - wait for treachery. If the snake has not attacked you, you will learn about the gossip around your name. Sypit - will quarrel with an unpleasant person. And many wriggling reptiles around to what is dreaming? Snakes to a woman in this case will predict vicious gossip, which will hurt her. She will disclose the plan of envious people who want to separate her from her beloved. At the same time he, most likely, is already inclined to believe evil conversations. It is necessary to talk with him in earnest in order to dispel all his doubts.

Why does a big snake dream?

See - your well-being is under threat. The rival in love has almost won. If the snake has encircled you with rings - you are under the influence of a deceiver who only uses kindness. Relations with him will end with your humiliation and tears. Look attentively at the person you trust at this time. Kill a huge snake - win the brutal struggle for your happiness! Do not doubt, all your dreams will become a reality, you just need not give up, and take action to implement them. A big snake lays eggs - an awful dream. Your opponent came up with an intrigue, which you can hardly resist. Better spend more time with your loved one so that he does not doubt your loyalty. Do not give him reason for suspicion, trumpeting his independence. Personal happiness is more expensive! Surround it with care and attention, then the storm will pass by. Now to show character to anything. Snakes snake to a woman to warn of dangerous and cunning rivals, claiming her place next to her beloved. Be carefull!

What the yellow snake dreams about

The color of the sun is sometimes considered not only a signwealth, but also a sign of separation. In dreams about snakes, that's the case. I saw a yellow snake - wait for treason. Bitten - you catch a loved one with a rival. You will be incredibly hurt. However, to forgive the traitor is not worth it. He - Lovelace, unable to be faithful to one woman. It is better to leave right away!

Children and snakes

what does a big snake dream about

And if you dreamed that your kids arein danger? What does a snake have a woman with a child (or children)? Play together - to the illness of the baby. They bite the child - to an accident. Sizzle on your offspring - he is in great danger. If you slew a reptile in a dream - everything will end safely! A dream in which you see other people's children, and they are threatened by snakes, means that the events will follow an unplanned scenario. Where you expected success, there will be trouble. Friendship will turn into betrayal, love - indifference. Only dead bastards predict the end of misfortunes and the restoration of the normal course of your life.

The snake threatens the beloved

Such a dream will tell you that you should bemore attentive to people dear to you. Most likely, a loved one's troubles in the service and your support is now very much needed. Talk to him. During the conversation, you can not only inspire confidence in your abilities, but also give wise advice.

Exotic images

what does the yellow snake dream about

Massage with snakes, which becomes verypopular now, dreams of dangerous pleasures. If your hair has turned into a tangle of reptiles, shame awaits you. If some things have become snakes in a strange way and attacked you - get offended by those people who were considered sincere friends.

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