The meaning of the name Regina: the queen

The meaning of the name Regina in Latin is the queen. This name is common in Russia, as well as in the US, France, Hungary and some other countries.

value of the name of the region
Self-confidence, independence, optimism,stubbornness and purpose are the character traits that a woman named Regina usually has. The meaning of the name leaves its imprint on the life and behavior of its owner: it immediately attracts attention to itself in any company, from an early age shows independence and determination in each of its actions and always knows exactly what it wants, and also has a bright and attractive appearance. She does not like to sit still, does not know what boredom is, easily converges with people, strives to lead relationships and surrounds herself with a retinue of pleasant people and people who are helpful to her.

Regina has a very high opinion of herselfopinions. Regal and greatness is the main meaning of a name. Regina has a strong will and a strong character. She is a leader by nature, easily subjugates others. Due to his charisma, responsibility and unbending morale can be a good leader, but she does not always have the patience to finish things to the end. Often, she has a "male" profession - for example, a design engineer or a company manager.
region name value
Regina can find herself in journalism, science, art or social activities, because she likes to be visible and manage if not the behavior, the thoughts and feelings of other people.

Regina, as a rule, has a cholerictemperament, characterized by quick temper and impulsiveness, easily gets angry, but her anger quickly cools. For all her sociability and emotionality, seemingly openness, she remains a mystery woman, even for her close people. The secret of the name Regin lies in the fact that behind her pride and inaccessibility there may be a lack of self-confidence.

On those around her, she can look with a regalarrogance and be intolerant of other people's shortcomings. She will not compromise and will not tolerate other people's shortcomings: she easily breaks some ties and then starts others. This applies to family relationships: Regina is serious about marriage, but, disappointed in her partner, soon requires a divorce.
secret of the name of the region
And if someone tries to challenge its primacy or encroaches on its authority, it easily enters into an open or hidden conflict and can wipe out the enemy without any pity.

With her characteristic maximalism, she often brings her good qualities to the extreme and becomes authoritarian, narcissistic and capricious, cunning, rancorous and vindictive.

Date of birth, like the name, is of great importance. The name Regina in many characteristics corresponds to the zodiacal sign of Leo, under which are born the same bright, bold, proud and determined people with a talent of leadership and an impulsive character. Therefore, girls born from July 23 to August 23, often recommended to call it so that the horoscope corresponds to the meaning of the name. Regina marks the name day of the Catholic calendar on March 7.

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