Planet Jupiter: an astrological characteristic

The planets in astrology have several otherscharacteristics than in the astronomical sense. In astrology, their meaning is based on mythological perception, when this science was born. Nevertheless, this does not prevent astro-values ​​from being still relevant and finding real reflection in natal charts, in which there are personal descriptions of a person. Planet Jupiter - 5 planet from the Sun, refers to gas giants. In astrology, it is very important, because it does not apply to fictitious bodies, which here take on secondary roles in terms of their ability to influence human life.


So, now we will consider the general meaning and find out what the planet Jupiter is, its description in the astrological and mythological sense.

The ancient Greeks Jupiter compared with Zeus,a god of thunder, and in the Aryan understanding he was considered the "World Father of Heaven." Here we see the high veneration of this celestial body and its vesting in the religion and mythology of these peoples.

In astrology it is believed that Jupiter representsis charity and kindness. Intellectually, this planet has the meaning of the highest manifestation of humanity and morality. In the physical sense, it gives a high social position, if it has a strong position in the natal chart of a person. The powerful influence of Jupiter gives the person a good posture, staidness and nobility in general appearance and manner of behavior.

Jupiter, not affected by other planets, gives a person excellent personal qualities: honesty and loyalty, high religiosity, generosity and ambition.

The affected planet gives only orientationface to these qualities, he tries to match them with the help of his appearance, superficially manifesting them in himself, which corresponds to hypocritical behavior, and in fact is worthy of comparison with a wolf in sheep's clothing.

If this planet is strong in the horoscope, then, probably, it will affect the appearance of a person: high growth, athletic type of body structure, brown hair, reddish complexion.

Planet Jupiter in the role of the significator

  • Fate. The undisturbed celestial body is associated with wealth, happiness, high posts, popularity, loyal and trustworthy friends, a rich inheritance, rapid advancement through the ranks.
  • Developments. Activities of a religious and cultural nature, successful contracts that generate profits, charitable actions. If the planet is damaged by other evil elements of the horoscope, then it is the significator of anarchy, gambling, illegal actions, sectarianism.
  • If the planet Jupiter marks people and professions, then it will be employees, priests, superiors, bankers, lawyers, scientists. Also it can be musicians and wholesalers.
  • The planet Jupiter controls the age from 56 to 68 years, the sense of smell, corresponds to the temperament of the sanguine person.

Levels of study

In astrology, there are several degreesstudy of each planet. They depend on the quality and quantity of "lessons learned" in the area that each of the planets controls. This indicator corresponds to certain skills that a person receives after one or another life stage.

  1. For the first level, the characteristic position of the individual the desire to get the maximum of benefits for the minimum of the applied efforts. In this regard, a person may have a penchant for gambling and machinations on exchanges.
  2. At the second level of the study of the planet manonly begins to form their ideas about a happy life. He begins to strive to occupy high posts and feels that to realize the goal you need to work hard.
  3. Being on the third degree, a person already has a certain idea of ​​happiness, which consists in labor for the benefit of other people. He already understands that his initial understanding of luck is ephemeral, and that in reality it is only the result of perseverance in working on oneself. He begins to rejoice at the difficulties, realizing that it develops it.
  4. At the highest, fourth level of study, the individual in to renounce earthly goods, devoting themselves to faith. Those around him can characterize him as a strange, but very good person. From him spreads "spiritual light".

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