What is the dream that awaits us? What are the coffins for the dead?

Very often in our dreams we meet ourrelatives or acquaintances who have long since left this mortal world. We can watch them, talk and even go after ... Another option for such a "grave" dream is the coffins. Yes, friends, we often see them in very different interpretations: closed, open, empty, with the dead ... In this article we are interested in the last variation of such dreams. So, let's find out what the coffins with the deceased are dreaming about.

what does the coffins with the deceased look like?

Dreams with the deceased in the graves have completely differentsemantic load. In some cases, this is a warning, and in others - a solution to certain psychological problems. Let's look at this in more detail.

What does the coffins with the deceased look like? Gustav Miller

Such pictures frighten many of us. After such dreams we begin to think that the deceased came for us. But, friends, this is utter nonsense! In the end, we do not have a zombie apocalypse with walking dead men! So, what does the scientist Miller tell us about this - what does the coffin with the deceased look like according to his dream book?

the dead man in a coffin

  1. If you saw your loved one in the coffin, thenthis dream is nothing but a warning. Expect the life test, try to persistently endure these or other dislocations in the family and at work. Notice, sleep does not point us to human losses!
  2. If the dead man in the coffin suddenly spoke, then waitbad news. If you hear a deceased friend - the news will come from the appropriate circle of acquaintances, if the deceased relative is from your relatives and so on.
  3. If in your sleep the coffin with the deceased suddenly falls - this is a pretty good sign. Any danger threatening you will be overcome by "hurray."
  4. If an elderly person dreams of a dead man in a coffin(it does not matter who exactly), it is, unfortunately, a literal prediction. Prepare for impending severe illness or death ... By the way, Miller gives this interpretation a fully justified comment. He says that such dreams often persecute pensioners, as they often think about their death, about a will for their relatives, about expenses for a funeral ... That's why this dream can be called more projection than prophetic!

what does the coffin cover
What does the coffins with the deceased look like? David Loff

  1. The dead man in the coffin portends troubles in his lifethe person you actually saw there. If there is a stranger in the coffin or a man who has long been dead in real life, Loff considers this dream as a "pacifier". Do not bother with this.
  2. If in the wooden box you see the skeleton of the deceased person - expect to replenish your financial reserves!
  3. If the deceased has risen from the coffin and headed to your side - do not be afraid! This is not a walking dead man decided to dine with you, but just an ordinary guest from the side, who will very soon visit you.
  4. What do you think, what does the lid of the coffin dream about,standing at someone's private house or in the entrance of a high-rise building? This dream is somewhat unusual, because in him as such there is no dead person! But there is an implicit hint that someone in the house has insulted him. In general, friends, according to David Lof, such dreams are only seen by those people who recently visited the funeral. But if a man who has not had anything in common with mourning ceremonies has seen it, then the dream speaks of his spiritual poverty. Do yourself self-development.
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