The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki. History and architectural features

The majestic church of the Resurrection of Christ inSokolniki was built not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century, or rather, in 1913. The project of this church was designed by the architect P. Tolstykh. The means were collected by believers. The chairman of the construction committee was Archpriest John Kedrov. It was this priest who became the rector of the new church, and later was repressed and evicted from Moscow. The very same temple is sometimes called "Kedrovsky".

Architectural features

The church is built on a podklet and has a planform of the cross. Its height from the base to the top of the main dome is 34 meters. According to fashion trends in the architecture of the early twentieth century, the Ascension Church in Sokolniki was built in the Art Nouveau style, slightly ornate, but at the same time light and elegant. The central part of the complex is crowned with a tent octagon, decorated with four glazes. Elements of the Old Russian style - kokoshniki under the heads, arched portals, high windows give special charm to this construction. There are also elements of Gothic aspiration. And although this style is called Russian modern, the architectural design of the temple can be safely classified as "eclecticism". The temple is crowned with nine onion domes.

temple of the resurrection of Christ in the Sokolniki

The main architectural feature of thisthe church is that it is not the sanctuary facing east (as is common in Orthodox religious buildings), and to the south. It is believed that this orientation facilities chose himself Archpriest Cedars, because it is in this part of the world is the birthplace of Christ, and the place of his resurrection.

Father John Kedrov

Father John Kedrov was born in 1870 in theMoscow region. After the seminary, he served in Moscow in a small hospital temple. Father John with good reason can be called a "folk" priest. He helped his parishioners very often. In matters of faith he was strict, but just. Often after a conversation with him, a person completely changed his life.

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How the temple was laid

Churches at the beginning of the century in Sokolniki operatedenough. However, they were all small and departmental, that is, they opened with various charitable societies. There was no big temple in this area. Therefore, Father Kedrov had the idea of ​​building it.

temple of ascension in falconers

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki waswas laid in late September 1908. Money for construction was collected by local boys. They were hung around the neck of large mugs for small change and issued special certificates, confirming that the funds are really needed for the construction of the church. The consecration of the main throne of the church took place in 1913. Other thrones (in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as Bogolyubsky's Mother of God) were consecrated in 1915-1916.

Legends of the construction of the temple

Several legends concerningbuilding of this church. Here, for example, one of them. After the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki was already erected, it is time to settle with the workers. However, money for Father John was not enough for this. And then a real miracle happened. To the future rector of the Resurrection Church came an old pilgrim. Father John placed him in one of the cells of the temple. However, having entered the room the next morning, I found it empty. On the table, there was a significant monetary donation. Means were enough just to pay off the workers.

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ after the Revolution

Unlike most of Moscow's churches,The Resurrection Church was not only not destroyed after the revolution, but it remained active up to the present day. Close it was called often - factory workers, medical staff of the local psychiatric clinic, etc. However, the soviet Moscow City Council did not dare to deprive the believers of the last refuge in the district.

In 1945, the Cathedral of the Local Council was held in the church(the first since 1918), at which Alexis I was elected patriarch of the ROC. 47 bishops, 87 priests and 38 laymen took part in the event. Alexy I headed the ROC for almost a quarter of a century until his death in 1970. In our time, the temple is included in the list of facilities proposed for the protection of the state in the capital.

Church of the Resurrection

Shrines of the temple

The Church of the Resurrection in SokolnikiIt has a shrine widely known beyond its borders. This is an ancient Iberian icon of the Mother of God, from 1669 in the Iberian chapel not far from the Kremlin. It was written by the order of Patriarch Nikon. After the revolution, the chapel and the gate were demolished. So the icon was in Sokolniki. She remained in the church of the Resurrection and after the chapel with the gates were restored.

In the church there is one more revered shrine - the icon of the Mother of God "Passion", which was previously in the Passion Monastery.

Today, as in the years of Soviet power, visitthe temple can be anyone. It is located at the address: Sokolnicheskaya Square, House 6. Everyone who cares about Russian history, as well as believers, should definitely visit at least such an interesting place as a temple in Sokolniki. Schedule of services: eight-hour Liturgy (daily) and Vespers at 5 pm (on Wednesday - St. Nicholas, on Thursday - St. Panteleimon, on Friday - Iberian Mother of God). On Sundays and on public holidays Liturgies are held at 6.45 and 9.30. The church has a Sunday school.

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