Name Arthur: the meaning of the name for the child and adult

The name, its secret and compatibility is what interests us all when we give it to the child. What does it bear? In this article, let's talk about the man's name Arthur.

Name Arthur. The meaning of the name for the child

name arthur name value
In childhood has poor health, often there arecolds or infectious diseases. He has a weak nervous system, quickly gets tired. Outwardly and in character he looks more like a mother. It is necessary to distinguish whether this fatigue or cunning and laziness, the boy is inclined to simulate. Little Arthurczyk is calm and obedient, which makes his grandmothers and parents very happy. He likes to draw, can get carried away collecting rare coins. In adolescence, the character can change a lot. And in any direction: perhaps he will become quick-tempered and stubborn, and maybe he will withdraw into himself and become closed. Parents should not leave it without attention, write down in the sports section, it is good if the boy will participate in the public life of the school.

Name Arthur. Value. Origin

The name Arthur has a Celtic origin and is translated as "bear".

Characteristics of the name

name arthur meaning origin
Arthur has an amazing property: if he does not want to do something, he will not, but skillfully shift unpleasant duties to others. Can manipulate others, but his power does not attract. Strives for the better, elegant, impressive. He does not like storms and changes, he wants to live in peace and security. He does not like to quarrel, he knows how to avoid conflicts. Introvert, prefers to live in his own world. He has a strong will, but in everyday life it does not manifest. Extremely painful experience of defeat, failure for a long time knock him out of the rut, long time comes to himself. Friends are there, but Arthur is not the soul of the company. For him, they are more likely to be comrades of interest than people for whom he will give the last shirt and run to them at any time. Do not forget and will not forgive betrayal, if to him with good, will try to repay. He can be trusted, he has a sense of self-worth, Arthur will not commit acts that will make him ashamed.

Name Arthur. The meaning of the name is on the character of the possessor

Has a developed intuition that helps himget out of the most difficult and confusing situations. Arthur has both logic and imagination. Has an excellent memory. But at the same time a weak interest and curiosity. He does not want to overcome obstacles in real life, rather make a brilliant plan lying on the couch, which will remain a dream.

Name Arthur. The meaning of the name in the professional sphere

In the professional sphere, he does not want to be responsible forpeople, but also does not like to obey. Therefore, he prefers to mediate between superiors and subordinates, will become a good administrator. Can go to the sphere of electronics, medicine, customs. Can become a good artist, a surgeon. Likes to go on business trips.

meaning of name arthur compatibility

Name Arthur. The meaning of a name in the sphere of love and marriage

Very sexy, because of what can ariseProblems. The marriage is late, the offer will make a calm, beautiful, economic girl. She subtly feels women, understands psychology. But he can not cope with the suddenly arising attraction, even if he understands that betrayal will cause pain to his wife. Has a sense of responsibility to the family, appreciates the home and coziness. His wife will not wait for him to help with the household, because he believes that this is not a man's business. Nevertheless, he is a good husband and father. I am happy to welcome guests at home.

The meaning of the name Arthur. Compatibility and marriage

Arthur will be happy in a marriage with Maria, Sophia, Anastasia, Oksana. Not compatible with Rosa, Christina, Angelina, Tatyana.

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