In a variety of esoteric practices, dreamsa person is given great importance. Their interpretation is devoted to voluminous and numerous works. Some dream books have a thousand-year history - this means that even then people were worried about the question of what dreams want to tell us, and who is trying to talk with us with their language. And apart from the interpretation of every detail of sleep that is characteristic of standard similar books, many teachings play an important role in the time when one or another dream comes. As it turned out, it often depends on this indicator whether it will come true or not.
What can a dream tell from Saturday toSunday? In the practice of so-called lucid dreaming, what you see at this time is associated with the Sun. Dreams that have the status of "solar" can not carry a negative charge in themselves - because this star gives life to our planet, heats us, symbolizes the higher cosmic principle. Such visions are assistants in the future, it is only important to explain them correctly. And first of all you need to realize that a dream from Saturday to Sunday is important not only for what you saw in it, but also for your emotional coloring.
But if the dream left a weight in its soul, it was unpleasant, nervous, this may indicate overfatigue. In this case, you need to listen to your own body.
If to argue from the point of view of whetherthey come true, then dreams on Saturday come true very often. And this happens soon after they were seen, and will touch the closest circle of communication - favorite, best friends, family. So the events from the dream can show what to expect from their relatives in the future.
Well, and finally, the advice from the arsenal of the peoplewisdom. Even if the dream from Saturday to Sunday had a bad, promising misfortune and misfortune, you do not need to worry beyond measure. People's medicine men advise to quickly tell about it as many people as possible - "squander", as it was called in the old days. Traditionally, Saturday and Sunday were market days, which means that the influence of a bad dream can be dispelled at this time.
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