We prepare jam from zucchini in multivarka

It is believed that our mistresses arebanks all that they find on hand. But how pleasant it is to open their preparations in the winter cold and eat some delicacies. After all, it will be a natural product that will only benefit us. And not raznosoly from the store, made unclear from what. One of the popular products for various blanks is the zucchini. Surprisingly, jam is also made from it. Let's try to prepare a jam from zucchini in a multivark, adding citrus in it - for a better taste.

General information on the preparation of zucchini jam in a multivariate

With such a dish, you can cook lush buns,delicious pies, used as an addition to tea. For the preparation of zucchini jam it is convenient to use a multivark, as everything is done at a time, nothing burns, and nothing is needed to interfere. Also, do not add liquid, as in zucchini contains a lot of water.

jam from zucchini in multivarka
It is recommended that zucchini choose fresh and young,so that their peel is soft. Such vegetables do not need to be cleaned, there is no need to remove mature seeds, they are best suited for our idea. It turns out such a delicious and original dish that few people will guess what it's made of. And only those who have already eaten like this know that it is not made from pineapple. Well, now we start making jam from zucchini in the multivarquet.

The first variant of the recipe

We need: zucchini - one kilogram, oranges - one piece and one kilogram of granulated sugar. My zucchini, cleanse the seeds and peel, cut into cubes. My orange, bones, so that the jam is not bitter, remove and cut into small slices. We put these products in a pan of multivarkers. We fall asleep there and sugar sand.

jam from zucchini in multivark with citrus
Choose the mode "Quenching", duration - 2 hours andcook until the signal. After it sounds, the jam from the courgettes in the multivarquet is ready. Then there are two options: leave it slices or, using a submerged blender, grind. And then, after putting for one minute in the "Steam cooking" mode, boil. After that, we pour into previously sterilized cans and cork with boiled lids. From this amount, two cans are obtained. To evaporate excess liquid, you can turn on the baking mode at the end of cooking.

We prepare jam from zucchini in multivark with citrus

As a result of using this recipe,you get a very delicious product. We will need: one kilogram of zucchini, one orange, two lemons and 0.8 kg of granulated sugar. We wash out zucchini, remove seeds from them and peel them. Cut into strips or cubes. Orange and lemons are also mine and finely, together with the skin we cut. We put in the same container and from above we pour out the sugar sugar.

jam from zucchini with lemon in a multivark
Cover with a clean towel and send tofridge. Minimum for the night, preferably for a day. The resulting mixture is put on medium heat and cook for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Reduce the fire to the minimum possible and 40 minutes more. Almost always jam from zucchini in the multivarquet with the addition of citrus fruits turns out fragrant, transparent-amber, with pleasant sourness. For many, it is a real pineapple. There are people who do not really like the lemon flavor. In this case, you can add 0.3 kg of dried apricots, which must be pre-soaked and finely chopped. It turns out just a terrific effect. The taste will be like that of canned pineapple with another exotic fruit - peach. Also, you can slightly change the recipe by adding strawberries to it - 0.4 kg and removing the orange. The resulting dish will remind you of a fruit cocktail. Do not be afraid to experiment. New, unique and unique recipes are obtained in this way.

What for add a lemon to the jam?

In Mexico, zucchini are known for a long time, but inEurope and our country this vegetable was already in the 16th century. Basically it was used in the form of caviar. The Italians began to do this first, then their cultivation and consumption began to spread further.

jam from zucchini in a multivariate recipe
Why are zucchini so popular? Because of its low caloric content and a fairly high content of vitamins and potassium. And if you cook a jam from zucchini with lemon in a multivariate, then you get an unusual dish. The content of vitamins in tomatoes will be markedly increased and aroma and taste of lemon added. Due to the low evaporation of the liquid in the multivark, the jam is not too thick, and the products preserve the natural color as much as possible.

Cook boiled and lemon jam

Ingredients necessary for this: one kilogram of zucchini, two lemons and one kilogram of sugar sand. We prepare jam from zucchini in the multivark. Recipe with lemon:

  1. We wash out zucchini, cut the tails and cut them into small pieces. We take young vegetables, so we do not remove seeds or peel.
  2. We spread the cut zucchini into the multivark, or rather into its bowl.
  3. Add the lemons washed and cut into small pieces. Seeds and zest also do not remove, so that they give the jam a spicy bitterness and aroma.
  4. We send sugar to the bowl and leave for an hour to separate the juice. Then for an hour and a half we switch on the "Quenching" mode.
    zucchini jam with tea
  5. Ready dish we pour on banks, previously sterilized. It should turn out: jam - two cans and one - syrup. It will be very tasty with tea and pancakes.

Bon Appetit!

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