Meat rolls: recipes for delicious snacks

Surprise your home you can not only cutletsand chops, but also exquisite meat rolls, which are very easy to prepare. To make such a fragrant dish is only a matter of half an hour, but everyone will appreciate it with dignity.

Meat rolls occupy a place of honor at the festive table. Yes, and just on a normal weekday they diversify the menu.

Meat rolls with pickled cucumbers

For this recipe you need to take a young veal. Of course, you can try to cook a dish of pork. So, the pieces of meat should be carefully discarded with a wooden hammer. All of them necessarily sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. It is very important to grease the pieces with mustard, but only on one side, on which the filling will be laid out.

Marinated cucumbers must be very finelyslice. To them is added crushed onion and small pieces of fat, so that the filling is juicy. Putting this mixture on meat pieces, you do not need to save. But at the same time it is necessary to carefully monitor that the filling does not fall out.

Once the filling is laid, the meatRoll up in the form of rolls and tie a string. This is necessary to ensure that the dish does not fall apart during cooking. Finished pieces should be fried in a frying pan. Blubbered meat rolls should be put in a deep frying pan and pour boiling water. They stew for 20 minutes on low heat, until absolutely all the water evaporates.

While rolls are stewed until ready, you canto cook a delicious sauce. To do this, several spoons of red wine are mixed with half a glass of chicken broth. Here, two tablespoons of creamy cream are poured in. You can put a small piece of butter (necessarily creamy), as well as a little flour. The sauce is thoroughly mixed and heated on fire. It's enough to bring it to a boil.

Finished meat rolls are poured with sauce and stew for several minutes in it. Before the dish is served on the table, it is necessary to remove all threads.

Meat rolls with nuts filling

In just an hour you can cook this delicious, original dish and please them with your guests. This will require:

  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 400 grams of veal;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a few mushrooms (you can take and frozen);
  • a glass of cream (preferably 10% fat content);
  • a small piece of butter (cream);
  • yolk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a mixture of fragrant herbs called "Hmeli-Suneli".

Meat is cut into pieces and fights. Nuts are roasted separately in the frying pan. There the yolk pours in, shredded herbs and seasonings are poured.

Mushrooms need to be cleaned, chopped and put out with the addition of oil. Cream flows in here. All this is stewed under the lid for a couple of minutes.

The filling of nuts is laid out on piecesveal, which are then wrapped in rolls. Their edges are punctured with toothpicks. Ready rolls are fried in a pan, after which they should be poured with mushroom sauce and stew for ten minutes. Tasty and fragrant rolls are served on the table!

Exotic meat rolls

Unusual taste of this dish is given to canned pineapples. They need half a pot. Still need a half kilogram of meat (always fillets), as well as three large spoons of mayonnaise, some cheese and spices.

The flesh is cut into pieces, slightly repulsed, peppered and salted. One side is smeared with mayonnaise. It is laid out canned pineapple.

Meat is rolled into a roll and fastenedtoothpick. Ready rolls are laid out on a warm baking tray. In the oven, the dish is baked for 20 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to sprinkle the rolls with grated cheese. As soon as it melts, this appetizing dish can be served to its guests.

Meat rolls with cheese

Incredibly fast and easy to cooksnack, if you have a piece of bacon, a bunch of greenery and melted cheese. Long pieces of meat on one side are smeared with melted cheese. From above you can put a few sprigs of fragrant greens. All this is wrapped up in rolls. Such an original dish is served with any sauce. They can even have a regular ketchup.

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