Dressing for borsch: with and without vinegar

What can be better than rich and fragrantborscht? This dish is relevant at any time of the year. In summer, fresh tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers and beets are used for its preparation. In winter, canned vegetables are usually used. Soup from this does not become less tasty.

Dressing for borsch

Would you like to cook borsch with minimalamount of time? This is possible, if you have pre-stored a special dressing, which includes all the necessary ingredients. We offer you two recipes - using vinegar and without it.

Dressing for borsch

First we go to the grocery store orthe nearest supermarket to buy 500g of Bulgarian pepper and 1 kg of fresh tomatoes. When all the necessary ingredients are at hand, you can start the process of preparing the filling.

Cook borsch

Tomatoes should be thoroughly rinsed under the water from undercrane. Further we grind them. To do this, you can put them in a blender or an ordinary meat grinder. The resulting mass is poured into a deep saucepan and put on fire. Now take the Bulgarian pepper and cut it into small pieces. Add them to the tomato paste, and then bring to a boil. Dressing for borscht should 5 more minutes. If you are going to roll it for the winter, then prepare in advance half-liter jars and metal covers. Be sure to sterilize the container. In each of them we pour boiling mass. It remains to roll up the banks. Our refueling for borscht is ready for winter! In winter you can use it not only for rich soups, but also for various sauces, stewed cabbage and vegetable stew.

Sharp filling for borsch with vinegar

On a 5-liter pan it is necessary to take:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 4 kg of beets;
  • 1 kg of fresh carrots;
  • 1 kg of pepper (green or yellow);
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • Garlic (enough for 10 heads);
  • 2 medium-sized chili peppers;
  • 0.5 L of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • Sugar (about 2-3 items of l);
  • Half a glass of vinegar;
  • Salt.
    Dressing for borscht for the winter

Cooking process:

1) Carrots, beets and apples are washed under the water from the tap, cleaned and rubbed on a large grater (each ingredient separately). Garlic must be passed through the press.

2) We proceed to the processing of Bulgarian pepper: washed, cleaned of seeds and stems, and then cut into thin strips.

3) We make a cross-cut on tomatoes, and then literally for 30 seconds we lower it to boiling water. After hot water, let's stir the tomatoes in the cold. Carefully remove the skin, and pulp crushed.

4) Take a deep saucepan and reheat itbutter. We put there the grated beets and carrots. Fry for at least 15-20 minutes. Add apples, sugar, peppers and tomatoes. At this stage, you can salt. All this is a good mix. The resulting mass of carcasses about 50 minutes, setting a slow fire.

5) It remains to add garlic, and after 15 minutes pour in the vinegar. Again, everything is mixed. You can take the pan off fire.

6) The mixture in hot form is dispensed in advanceprepared and sterilized banks, which are then rolled up with lids. We turn them over and let them cool down. Our dressing for borscht with vinegar is ready. You can use it not only for soups and meat dishes, but also as an independent hot snack.

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