Home-made pastries: cupcakes with cottage cheese. Recipe

Cottage cheese is the most valuable product for ourorganism. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for teeth and bone tissue. In addition, this milk produt in a fat-free form can be consumed by people who adhere to dietary nutrition. From cottage cheese it turns out very tasty baking. You can cook cookies, cake, donuts, vareniki, cheese cakes. But especially tasty and fragrant are cupcakes with cottage cheese. The recipe for this treat is very simple and is available by ingredients. Here are a few options for how to cook this delicious pastry.

cupcakes with cottage cheese recipe

Baking from cottage cheese. Recipes. Cupcakes

Traditional Recipe

Necessary ingredients: four eggs, 350 grams of granulated sugar, 300 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of butter, a spoon of baking powder, 300 g of flour, raisins, vanillin.

So, prepare cupcakes with cottage cheese. The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of special baking molds. Today they can be purchased at any store. Let's get started. In the microwave oven, melt the butter. Rinse raisins thoroughly and soak for half an hour in warm water. Then transfer it to a napkin and let it dry. In a large bowl, beat the egg and sugar with a mixer. Add the melted butter. Mix everything well. Cottage cheese with a fork and shift into dough. Mix the mixture again with a mixer. Gradually enter the baking powder, vanillin and flour. At the very end, pour the raisins. Lubricate the molds with vegetable oil and sprinkle with mango. Fill them with a batter and put in a hot oven.

recipes of cakes with cottage cheese with a photo
Readiness can be checked with a toothpick. As a rule, after half an hour the baking is ready. Before serving, you can sprinkle a treat with sugar powder. Cake recipes with cottage cheese with photos are presented on this page. Bon Appetit!

Lemon cupcakes with cottage cheese. Recipe

Necessary ingredients: one lemon, three eggs, 250 grams of sugar, 250 grams of cottage cheese, 20 g of soda, 150 g of margarine, two glasses of flour, a chocolate bar, and two tablespoons of milk.

Softened butter (margarine) whisk together with a mixertogether with sugar. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Cottage cheese rub through a sieve. Add yolks to the oil mixture. Lemon for a few minutes, pour boiling water, so that all the bitterness is gone from the peel. Peel the peel. Flesh pulp in a blender, adding a spoonful of soda. Lemon mixture pour into the curd mass and mix. Then add the sifted flour. The dough should get thick enough. Separately whisk the squirrels (2 minutes). Transfer them to the dough and gently mix. Lubricate the cupcake molds. Put the dough. Place the molds in a preheated oven for forty minutes. At this time, prepare the icing. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add two tablespoons of milk. Cool cold keksiki pour warm glaze. Bon Appetit!

Cupcakes with cottage cheese. Recipe

baking cottage cheese recipes muffins

Ingredients: 350 g of flour, 170 g of sugar, 30 g of cocoa, 200 g of margarine, egg, soda. For the filling, take 200 g of sugar, 350 grams of cottage cheese, 30 g of starch and two eggs.

Sugar mix with egg and melted margarine. Add the quenched soda, and then enter the cocoa and flour. Lubricate the cupcake molds. In each of them put the dough in such a way that the basket turns out. In a separate bowl, mix the wiped cottage cheese with the sugar and the rest of the ingredients necessary for the filling. Fill each basket with the curd mixture. Bake the cakes for about 35 minutes at 180 degrees. Bon Appetit!

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