Delicious cereal porridge in the multivariate "Polaris": how to cook with a fragrant dressing?

Porridge porridge in the multivarquet "Polaris" is being preparedas easily as on a gas stove. This dish can be presented to the table and in the form of a separate dinner, and together with goulash, cutlets and other meat ingredients. Today we decided to tell you about how to make a hearty and healthy side dish with vegetable and bacon dressing.

Step-by-step recipe for pea porridge with a photo of the ready dish

porridge in a multicolour Polaris

Required components:

  • bacon - 120 g;
  • sweet onion - 1 head;
  • Sunflower refined oil - 35 ml (for roasting vegetables);
  • chopped peas cleared - faceted glass;
  • water normal room temperature - 3 cups;
  • creamy fresh oil - 75 g (for the addition to the prepared dish);
  • black pepper, salt iodized small - add at discretion;
  • carrots average fresh - 1 pc.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Porridge porridge in the multivarquet "Polaris" is being preparedmuch faster if you buy a half-finished product for such a dish. It should be sorted out, and then rinsed well in a sieve to make the water completely transparent. If you decide to make such a dinner in the evening, then polka dots are recommended to be soaked in cool water beforehand and kept in it all night. So, the component will absorb a part of the moisture, and it will take much less time to prepare it. Although the prepared dish can be prepared without any previous soaking.

Preparation of additional products for refueling

how to cook pea porridge

Porridge in the polyaric "Polaris" will turn outmuch more delicious and aromatic, if for such a dinner, separately prepare a vegetable dressing using bacon. To do this, take the carrots and sweet onions, peel them and finely chop. Also, cut thin bacon into thin slices.

Frying dressing

After all the vegetables and meat component will beprocessed, they need to be put in a multivark, buttered and peppered, and then turn on the baking program and fry the products with it until golden brown (within 17 minutes). Next, the dressing should be laid out on the plate, and the kitchen appliance used to make porridge.

Heat treatment of the dish

Porridge in the multicolor "Polaris" shouldprepare for at least two hours. For this, the chopped and processed product must be poured into a bowl and poured with plain water. Then the kitchen tool needs to be put in the extinguishing mode and set the timer. After an hour it is recommended to mix the porridge well and add salt.

recipe of pea porridge with a photo

The final stage in the preparation

120 minutes after the peas were laid outin the multivark, the dish should be fully prepared. Thick porridge of legume products must be mixed, and then pour into it an aromatic dressing from vegetables and bacon and sustain in the heating program for another 5-9 minutes.

How to present for dinner

Now you know how to cook properlyPea porridge and make it to get the most delicious and fragrant. Serve this dish to the table is recommended in hot form, along with wheat bread and some fresh salad.

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