How to organize a holiday and how to make a menu for a children's birthday

One who once organized a holiday forchildren, knows how difficult it all is. Little forefathers are not only capricious, but also demanding. It is important that the holiday turned out to be interesting, fun and memorable. Organizing a celebration, adults should remember about safety and, of course, first of all, rely on the child's age. After all, the interests of the youngest never coincide with the preferences and games of grown-up children. And you should choose the appropriate menu. For the birthday of the house, the menu of the feast is made up, including usually the first table and dessert. If the holiday will be held in a children's institution, then it is enough to cover the sweet table.

What can and can not be done

Menu for children's birthday
All parents know how important it is for children to be rightto eat. The children's menu should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Products that are part of the children's food, must necessarily be fresh and natural. And these rules apply not only to the everyday menu, but also to the holiday. Today, none of the parents will include in the menu for children's birthday chips, soda, crackers, custom donuts and cream cake. And the sausages with cutlets, bought in the nearest supermarket, no one will give. And because all this is harmful to both children and adults.

Menu for the birthday of the house
Making up the menu for a child's birthday, you should give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, natural products that do not contain fat, flavor enhancers and colorants.

Rules for a children's holiday in a home environment

If a holiday is scheduled to celebrate at home, thenMom should make a menu in advance for the children's birthday. It is better to write down all the desired treats on a sheet of paper and paint the products. It is important to call the parents of the young guests of the birthday boy and clarify their taste preferences for the kids, whether there is an allergy to certain products. Agree, an unpleasant situation, if after the holiday, one of the children will have an allergic reaction or stop the stomach.

The second rule for the children's holiday issecurity. No cutlery and glassware. Especially if the baby is going to walk. It is better for the children to arrange all the treats on paper multi-colored disposable plates. They will not beat, and look more fun even the most exquisite plates. Yes, and clean this dish is easier.

Children's birthday menu
The third rule concerns the menu for the children's daybirth directly. It is better for kids and children of primary school age to cover a buffet table. Children are not interested in what kind of food will be. They are more like games, entertainment and competitions. But in the course of the game they want a snack. Therefore, my mother should cook more sandwiches and canapes of fresh vegetables, boiled meat. Fruit and berry canapes will also appeal to children. And, of course, sweets. Cakes with an air cream - not absolutely a suitable variant. It is better to bake cupcakes and mini-cakes for children with berry or chocolate filling. Also for a sweet table will fit beautifully laid out and cut fruits: bananas, apples, peaches and oranges.

Generally, make up the children's birthday menu andcomplicated, and simple at the same time. On the one hand, for children, entertainment and games are more important, and they can not pay any attention to food, however beautiful and tasty. On the other hand, every mother wants the child's holiday to be the best. And one of the indicators of a good holiday (according to my mother's opinion) is a tasty and satisfying meal. Although, it is in this the preferences of children and adults are absolutely not the same.

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