Indian rum: reviews about the drink

Once this drink was called to raise combatthe spirit of the soldiers, to give them pleasant moments of rest and sweet oblivion. Today it is almost an asset of India, if you look at it through the eyes of a hungry traveler. This picturesque country, thanks to its atmosphere, the diversity of colors, the eternal hecticness and the lack of habitual European way of life, leaves a bright trace in the soul of every tourist. And the one who at least once tried the real Indian rum, necessarily brings it as a gift to his friends and relatives, not forgetting to put one or two bottles in his own bins.

Indian rum
What is so special about this drink? To understand this, you need to try it. And for starters, it's not superfluous to get acquainted with its history and cooking features.

Meet: Old Monk!

Of course, it can not be said that everyonetasted like Indian rum. Reviews about him can be heard quite the opposite. Often, the reason either in personal, subjective preferences (even the most high-quality and delicious in the world will not taste to everyone), or in counterfeits appeared on the shelves of shops (yes, today this rum can be bought outside of India). But let us omit these two reasons beyond our control. Let us dwell on the history of the drink, the way it is prepared and, of course, rich in taste.

Who produces?

The history of this drink began in the middle of 19century. Mr. Edward Dyer, who was engaged in earlier production of beer in India, realized that it would be more profitable to retrain and turn his attention to a drink that was more in demand at the time. He found himself a partner and soon their small company began to produce Indian rum in industrial quantities. The idea turned out to be successful, and the drink was recognized not only in its own country, but also far beyond its borders. Today the company Mohan Meakin Limited supplies its rum not only Europe, but also America.

Indian rum: features of production

In each country, the same drink canto produce completely differently. This is all the charm - in diversity. Rum Indian "Old Monk" also found its audience: many tourists are one of the purposes of their trips to India tasting this already famous drink. In this country it is really special.

indian rum old monk

For making Indian rum sugarreeds are collected in high-altitude areas. At the same time, if in Cuba in the production process the spirits are maximally purified, and then they are saturated with the aromas of a barrel or some specific spice, then in India they do not. Therefore, the resulting drink has a very rich and multifaceted taste. Indian rum is characterized by a density and a rather high strength. He does not like everyone, but many will definitely appreciate this drink.

Types of Indian rum

Most tourists (or those who got rumas a presentation from India) is familiar only one version of the drink (dark classic rum). In fact, there are several of them. Mohan Meakin Limited produces both young, light enough and aged alcohols. The latter are most valued by connoisseurs.

Old Monk White

The youngest in this brand is the Indian rum OldMonk White. It is aged not in barrels, but in special metal containers, which takes only 6 months. Thanks to the short aging time, rum is very light and light.

indian rum reviews
The taste is sweet, with notable notes of ripe fruit in the fragrance. This drink is perfect for making light alcoholic cocktails.

Old Monk Deluxe XXX Rum

Do you prefer dark rum? Then you may like the scalding throat of Old Monk Deluxe XXX Rum - quite sweet and dense. It has a strong floral-fruity aroma and caramel flavor. If you ask to evaluate this particular type of Indian rum, opinions on his account are likely to be shared. Do not be surprised - this drink is specific, but that's what some like about it.

Old Monk XXX Rum

The most popular as a presentation from Goais considered the Indian rum Old Monk XXX Rum. It's all in the bottle made in the form of a monk, which attracts tourists (sort of a gift option). This rum is also dark, aged for 7 years! Many may find it strange that in the taste there is not a hint of molasses or caramel (which is usually characteristic of this drink). But this is his personality, which many like so much.

Old Monk Gold Reserve Rum

And concludes our today's excursion into the worldvarieties of Indian rum "long-liver" called Old Monk Gold Reserve Rum. It is aged for 12 years, and necessarily in oak barrels. The temperature in the cellars is closely monitored, so that the differences do not affect the taste of the drink. This is an undoubted classic among the entire existing line. Decided to first try the Indian rum Old Monk? Reviews about this particular variety are almost always positive and even enthusiastic.

indian rum old monk reviews

Gold Reserve has a deep and vivid taste with noticeable fruit halftone. He will take you to the world of the tropics from the very first sips.

Should I bring rum from India?

Of course, it's worth it! If this is the Indian rum Old Monk, then you definitely need to try it. Not the fact that you will like, because there is no dispute about tastes. A lot of those who do not like this rum at all. Perhaps, it is a matter of fortress and richness of taste and aroma (India, too, with its coloring, not everyone will like it). But if you still want to know what it is, a real Indian rum, then feel free to contact the products of the famous brand Mohan Meakin Limited.

A little observation, which, perhaps, will helpmake you the right choice. Ladies most often like the light rum Old Monk White. It goes well with a snack of cheeses (brie, camembert, maasdam), grapes and nuts. Spin rum in the company of girlfriends, and then arrange Indian dances - how do you like the idea?

rum indian old monk

Gentlemen prefer a stronger drink. And in this case we are talking about the standard of quality - the rum Old Monk Gold Reserve. Its rich and rich taste, bitterness in combination with the sweetness of tropical fruits will not leave indifferent any "pirate". And even a snack here is useless. Rinse rum in small sips to rasprobovat its rich bouquet of taste and aroma - that's the real pleasure.

Already wanted to embark on an unforgettablea trip through India? Then forward - to conquer new horizons and, of course, to try new things. And get acquainted with Indian drinks with the famous rum! Enjoy your adventures (and tastings)!

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