Preserving a cherry tomato - small goodies

Cherry tomatoes are not only delicious, but also verybeautiful. Even in elite restaurants, they are served in pots with vegetables. These small fruits, cooked according to special recipes, will taste like children and adults. In addition, tomatoes are very useful, so the article is dedicated to them. Discuss the canning of cherry tomatoes.

Preservation of Cherry Tomato

An unusual recipe

The number of ingredients is calculated for oneliter jar. We take 600 grams of cherry, 3 chili peppers and 2 buns of green onions. For marinade you need 1 large spoonful of salt, 1/3 cup of wine vinegar, 0.5 cups of brown sugar. From spices we take 2 tablespoons of ginger (chopped finely), as much garlic clay, 1 spoon of mustard seeds, 1 spoonful of peppercorns, 1 small spoon of cumin, 2 spoons of cayenne pepper, 1 spoon of turmeric and 1/3 cup of olive oil. Also, you must prepare a liter bank in advance. Now start the canning of the cherry tomato. Fruit my and cut into halves. We put them into a three-dimensional bowl. We chop the green onion into medium slices. Chili pepper is cleaned from seeds and cut finely. Next, you need to prepare a marinade. Vinegar bring to a boil and add to it sugar and salt.

The recipe for canning a cherry tomato
Dissolve these two ingredients and set asidemarinade aside. Now spread the spices in a separate container and mix. Pour olive oil into the pan and wait for it to warm up. Then put spices in it and cook them for about 2 minutes. So all the flavors will unfold. Remove the pan from the fire and pour the oil with spices into the vinegar. Fill with hot marinade tomatoes and mix. We put them in a jar and put them in a cold place. Despite the large number of ingredients, canning cherry tomatoes is a simple process.

Preserving tomatoes for the winter

Freshly salted tomatoes

You can prepare this vegetable in different ways. Here is a recipe for canning cherry tomatoes for those who do not consume too salty foods. For cooking, you need 500 grams of cherry fruit, 2 peeled garlic cloves, 2 large spoons of salt (without a slide), 1 tablespoon of sugar, greens and dill seeds. Tomatoes and pierced with a skewer in the area of ​​the peduncle. Then put them into the package. There we add spicy herbs, garlic, salt and dill. Preserving a cherry tomato involves the use of any herbs and spices. You can take the leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish, etc. Now tie the package tightly and shake all the ingredients. It is necessary that all of them are evenly distributed. Leave the tomatoes in a warm place. In a day they will be ready.

A simple recipe

And finally, a traditional recipe thatuse many mistresses. You will need cherry tomatoes, laurel leaves, garlic, hot pepper and bell peppers, dill (umbrellas or seeds). For marinade, take one large spoonful of salt and sugar and a small spoonful of essence. This is based on a one-liter jar. Now put the garlic, pepper, laurel leaf on the bottom of the container and add tomatoes. Fill the jar with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add the ingredients for the marinade and boil. Vinegar put in jars and pour marinade. Rinse with lids, cool and store in a cool place. Preserving tomatoes for the winter is not difficult.

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