"Nail" of Spanish cuisine - Conquilion or cockleshells stuffed with

When it comes to some stuffedproducts, immediately there is an association with vegetables. And this is not strange, since in the domestic cuisine the Italian dish of Conquelioni is only just beginning to gain popularity. In the whole world there are known pasta in the form of cockleshells, and so, concilions are "cockleshells" stuffed. For stuffing giant shells you can use a variety of products: meat, fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables and stuff. Regardless of the filling, this dish turns out to be very tasty and beautiful.

Stuffed shells
Shells stuffed with meat

16 shells will require: beef - 200 g, fat pork - 80 g, one onion, a pair of garlic cloves, a rosemary sprig, 50 g mozzarella cheese, the same cream (15% fat content), a mixture of peppers, salt and vegetable oil for frying. Minced meat is prepared. Finely chopped onions are fried in oil to a beautiful golden hue, then it is minced and fried until cooked. Stuffing should be constantly stirred to avoid the formation of clumps and sticking to the frying pan. To the ready-made stuffing is added chopped garlic, rosemary, salt and peppers. All this is fried for a couple of minutes. Shells are boiled in salted water until half cooked. The consqueriones are filled with prepared meat stuffing. In a baking dish, oiled, put shells stuffed, pour each small amount of cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees until melted cheese and a golden crust (about 10 minutes). As a side dish, a vegetable salad with greens, dressed with sour-yoghurt sauce, is perfect for this dish.

how to cook stuffed seashells

Conquilion with tuna

This recipe will tell you how to cookStuffed seashells are even easier. Here, the main ingredient for the filling is canned tuna. In addition to tuna cans, one bulb, three boiled eggs, greens, a couple of tomatoes, mayonnaise and a bit of grated cheese will be needed. Prepare seashells in the same way as in the previous recipe. Finely chopped onion, fry the eggs, chop the eggs, put the tuna in a bowl and mash with a fork, then add to it roasted onions, eggs, finely chopped greens and mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly, season with salt and pepper to taste. Seashells fill and lay out on a greased baking sheet. For each conkilion put on a small piece of tomato, all this covered with mayonnaise and grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven for about 15 minutes.

stuffed cockleshell recipe with photo
Seashells stuffed with ham

As a tasty and beautiful cold appetizerperfect match with a horse with ham, cheese and fresh cucumber. These stuffed seashells (a recipe with a photo attached) are prepared very quickly, since all the ingredients need only grind, mix and stuff them with pasta. To prepare, you need 1 pack of seashells, 100 grams of ham and cheese, a pair of fresh cucumbers, greens, a dessert mustard spoon, pepper and salt. Boiled seashells fill with a mixture of these products, put on a dish, decorate with mayonnaise "lace" and greens.

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