Recipes. Chicken legs in pouches and sauce

If you have not chosen what to cook fromchicken drumstick so that it turned out quickly and deliciously and originally, then we offer a recipe for chicken legs in sacks. This dish looks very interesting and can easily become a decoration of the festive table. And can be served for an ordinary dinner - here you and the chicken, and a fragrant garnish of potatoes with mushrooms, and ruddy pastry instead of bun.

To cook chicken legs in pouchesneed such products: chicken drumstick - 5 pieces, potato - half a kilogram, champignons (they are preferable, but you can take others), puff pastry (you can buy or cook yourself) - half a kilogram, one onion, one clove of garlic, one egg, salt, spices, vegetable oil.

Mushrooms are well washed and cut into small plates or slices. In the frying pan warm up the oil, pour the prepared mushrooms, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, fry until done.

Mine, clean and boil potatoes. To make it faster welded, cut it in small pieces. When it is ready, drain the water, add butter, salt and shake. In the finished mashed potatoes we add champignons, we can still fried onions, from this chicken legs in the pouches will taste better, and we mix everything well.

Chicken drumstick and rub it with a mixture of salt,spices and mashed garlic, give the meat a little soak seasonings (about 15 minutes). Then fry the shin on all sides on medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Defrost puff pastry. To prepare chicken legs in pouches, you need to take a fresh dough. We cut it into large squares. They need as many as the legs we have, in our case we cut five squares. Then each square is rolled up to approximately 15x15 or 20x20 cm. Depends on the size of the shank itself. From the test that remains, we cut out five squares measuring 5X5 cm.

Now put the small squares on the big ones. It is necessary that the bottom of the bag is stronger. On the squares we spread mashed potatoes with mushrooms, in the middle we put the shin fleshy part down. The edges of the dough are carefully collected around the legs in the form of bags and from the top we wind with threads. We make sure that the bag is completely tied, and the entire filling is inside. On the baking sheet, put the paper for baking, put the chicken legs in the pouches. The bones of the shin are wrapped with foil, so as not to burn. We preheat the oven to 150 ° C, put a pan with bags and bake for about half an hour.

Very tasty chicken legs in barbecue sauce. To prepare this dish you will need products: chicken drumstick - 10 pieces, tomato sauce or ketchup - 3 tablespoons, mustard - two spoons, honey - one spoon, soy sauce - two spoons, balsamic vinegar (can be replaced with table or apple) - two spoons , garlic - one denticle, Provencal herbs - half a teaspoon, red pepper.

Chicken drumstick and dry it with papernapkin. In a deep dish, mix tomato sauce with mustard, honey, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, add finely chopped garlic, spices and salt. Mix everything well and put chicken legs in the marinade. Cover with a lid or food film and leave in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Then we grease the baking sheet with oil, spread out the legs and fill it with marinade. Put in a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.

Another option is to prepare the lower leg in a gentle andspicy gravy - chicken legs in creamy sauce. Prepare the products: chicken legs (choose larger) - 200 g, shallots - two stems, one sour apple, butter - 30 grams, cider - one and a half cups, the same amount of cream and chicken broth, thickener for white sauce - two teaspoons spoons, pickled grains of green pepper - one spoon, curry seasoning, salt and white pepper.

Chicken legs are washed and slightly dried. Mix the salt with pepper and curry, the mixture obtained by rubbing the shin. In the frying pan, melt the butter and fry the chicken. After 5 minutes, the shin is moved closer to the edges, and on the center we spread the shallots and apple cut into small pieces. Fry under the lid 10 min.

After covering the baking tray with foil, shiftthere chicken with onions and apples, fry 2-3 minutes. in the preheated grill. The remaining liquid in a frying pan is filtered, we add cider, cream, broth and thickener. Mix well and boil for 5 minutes. Then add the seeds of pepper, salt and pour the ready chicken legs.

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