Cafe Ritsa in Voronezh - one of the favorite places of citizens!

Cafe Ritsa in Voronezh, located closer tooutskirts of the city, attracts visitors with its privacy (away from city noise), huge interior space, brightness of the interior, delicious cuisine and reasonable prices.

About the city

Voronezh is a fairly large city in the Russian Federation. It is located in its European part - on both banks of the Voronezh reservoir.

It is a large historical, cultural and industrial region of the country, whose population is more than one million inhabitants.

Intensive traffic, a hugethe number of people is mainly concentrated in the center of the city ... And all this, and not only, makes the local residents at least occasionally get out into the nature, to a more remote part of it. There, where there is already in 2013 the famous cafe "Ritsa", that on Moscow Avenue, 145-B.

Ritsa Cafe Voronezh

Beauty inside and outside

The building of this cozy establishment is built oftree and is located on a small green area of ​​the avenue. Near the cafe grow tall green pine trees, and a little further down the multi-storey buildings of the sleeping area.

Inside the room itself is also very beautiful. In the design of the institution a large number of wooden decoration materials, which immediately catches the eye of visitors. This is the beam structure, and the wooden frame of the ceiling stained glass, and the furniture itself.

The walls of the cafe are painted in golden-white color, which creates an airy atmosphere and so huge space.

And there are paintings right on the walls, very organically fit into the overall interior of the halls.

cafe ritsa Voronezh menu

The ceilings are white - partly with stained glass (of colored glass) inserts-ornaments, in part - stretched, glossy.

Lighting in the cafe "Ritsa" is pleasant, a little muffled, which helps to make the visitors feel themselves in a magical, mysterious atmosphere.

Also, except for the main hall, there is an open summer terrace, where you can spend an evening with your loved one so sweetly and romantically, enjoying the nature, the night starry sky and the singing of birds!

A day in the cafe is a lot of families with children who are happy to walk in the courtyard and admire the local landmark - a beautiful waterfall.

Figures of birds and animals in the courtyard of the institution are also pleasing to the eye.

Kitchen institutions

In the menu of the cafe "Ritsa" (Voronezh) - dishes of traditional Russian, as well as Georgian cuisines.

So you can try here as a favoritedishes: various kinds of salads, hot and cold snacks, first dishes for all tastes, side dishes, special desserts, and delicious Georgian shish kebab, kebabs, meat and vegetable dishes cooked on open fire, khachapuri, lamb, soup-kharcho and others.

Also there are stocks of delicious wine. And for drinkers easier to eat good beer. Also tea, coffee, juices.

By the way, there is a vegetarian and children's menu.

Additional information about the cafe

The institution always welcomes guests - every day, starting at 12 noon!

From Monday to Friday, the café is open until 12 midnight, and on weekends and holidays until 1 am.

In the institution, as already noted earlier, there are families with children, couples, friendly companies, business partners.

For those who want to listen to live music, musicians who sing live live here. There is karaoke. Dancing lovers can implement in an institution and this is their desire.

cafe ritsa Voronezh prices

In the cafe "Ritsa" in Voronezh, you can also celebrate various celebrations. The halls readily accommodate 30, 50, and more people. There is a wonderful banquet menu for every taste.

Everyone who has already been here, notes that very good service, friendly administrator and waiters, which is also important.

Prices in the cafe "Rica" (Voronezh) are quite democratic and quite acceptable. The average check of the institution is about 500 rubles, the banquet is 2000 rubles per person.

So welcome to Ritsu!

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