Marinated shish kebab: lots of options - choose the taste!

What kind of picnic without a shish kebab? Scented, juicy, with an appetizing crust, smelling of haze is a cult dish of any trip to nature. And it does not matter, from pork, veal, chicken, fish or lamb plan to cook, the main stage after choosing the product will be marinating. Practically every person has his own recipe for cooking shish kebab, which has been tested for years, and which is considered to be the most "correct" recipe.

pickled shish kebab

Shish kebab from pork on kefir

Cut into medium pieces of a kilo and a halfneck part of pork, put in a saucepan, pour onion rings, sprinkle with chamomile pepper, add a little, add your favorite spices, a few laurel leaves, mix well with your hands. Pour into the meat a couple of glasses of kefir (not peroxide), mix, so that each piece is enveloped in liquid. Cover up with a suitable diameter plate, put oppression, remove "ripen" in the cold. How much pickle a pork shish kebab? Suffice it to stand two or three hours, get it, squeeze it out, string it on skewers, fry on charcoal over coals.

Marinated shish kebab in tomatoes

A couple of kilograms of pork will require a kilogramof crushed tomatoes. Cut meat into medium pieces, five small bulbs - half rings. Mix in a suitable saucepan pork with onions, add all the tomatoes, knead well and mix. Add leaves from 6-7 branches of fresh rosemary, stir again, put in a cool place for about five hours. Immediately before cooking, add a little and pepper, put on the skewers, fry over the coals until ready. Serve with lots of greens, chopped cucumbers and tomatoes.

how much pickle pork shish kebab

Veal shish kebab in wine

How to pickle a shish kebab in wine? There is nothing difficult in the preparation process, cook as usual, and as a marinade for a half kilogram of meat, take a glass of red wine (dry). It is necessary to prepare and cut veal into medium pieces, cut five bulbs into rings. Lay on the bottom of the pan a layer of meat, season with pepper, sprinkle with onion rings, continue in the same order until the meat runs out. Now the final touch is to pour wine, leave alone under the oppression for 4 hours. A couple of times during this time, marinated shish kebab stir. To plant cubes of meat mixed with small tomatoes and onions, fry over the coals. To put on the skewers, decorate with parsley sprigs.

how to pickle a shish kebab in wine

Pickled shish kebab from mackerel

It turns out also very tasty. Freshen a couple of carcasses of fish, cut each into 4 pieces, fold in a deep bowl, pepper, salt, mix. Cut a pair of bulbs in rings, lay a layer on the bottom of the pan, lay the fish on top, a couple of leaves of the laurel, then onion and again the fish. Mix the juice from one lemon with two glasses of mineral water and a couple of tablespoons of oil, prepare an emulsion and pour the fish. Cover the fish with an inverted plate, press it with a load, and remove it for a couple of hours in the cold. Prepare coals, when the heat becomes sufficient, strung pieces of mackerel on skewers and fry. Marinated shish kebab will be ready in 15-20 minutes. Do not let the open flame appear, immediately douse the bottle with water.

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