Likbez: how many fried chanterelles?

How many fried chanterelles
Chanterelles are mushrooms that never happenwormy, which distinguishes them from their forest counterparts. In addition, they favorably affect a human body such as the liver, helping it cope with toxins and excrete parasites. How many fried chanterelles before they are included in the food or served on the table? The features of the preparation of these fungi are discussed in this article.

Do I need steam treatment?

Whether to cook chanterelles before frying them, orno? Any mushrooms, except for the first-class ones (redhead, mushroom, white mushroom), it is necessary to boil. Since this method of treatment guarantees 100% that all bacteria that are dangerous to human health will be destroyed. This is for mushrooms, which, like sponges, absorb almost everything, it is very important. However, some amateurs say that chanterelles do not need to be boiled if they are monochrome, undamaged and clean. It's enough just to fry them. And then put it on the table or add it to another dish. How many fried chanterelles in this case? About 25-35 minutes. Their readiness is determined by appearance, but more on that later.

How many fried chanterelles after cooking?
How much time to fry the chanterelle

If, after all, you decided not to take risks and decided to boil mushrooms, then it is recommended:

  • place the mushrooms in chilled water (about half an hour) so that they become soaked;
  • After this, rinse the chanterelles once more and remove the dirt with a knife, which can not be washed;
  • Large mushrooms can be cut into several parts;
  • boil water and put washed chanterelles in it;
  • on medium heat, boil them for 15-20 minutes.

How much time to fry the chanterelles after such aprocedures? The answer to this question is definitely difficult, because much depends on such factors as the size of mushrooms, the level of preparedness after cooking, the magnitude of the fire and so on. The average time varies from 20 to 25 minutes. Together with the mushrooms in the pan add the pre-cooked onions (fry his rings or quarters with butter until a specific smell appears), salt and garlic. How do you know that chanterelles are ready?

  • The color of the fungi becomes brighter and more saturated.
  • Onion decreases in volume and becomes darker.

So, how much you need to fry the chanterelles, you now know. But in the course you:

  • that if sunflower oil is replaced with creamy, then the taste of mushrooms will be softer and nobler;
    how much should you fry the chanterelle
  • that the onion is best cut into thin rings or stripes;
  • that if the mushrooms were not prevented by a little sourness, then you can use lemon juice;
  • that a pinch of basil and marjoram, as well as oregano, will add spice to the dish;
  • that the green gives the chanterelles a nice appearance and adds a touch of taste;
  • that when frying, you can add sour cream to the pan;
  • that it is best to serve mushrooms with potatoes (mashed potatoes, fried) and greens?


How many fried chanterelles? If you previously treat mushrooms in water, that is, cook them, then about 20 minutes. If we are talking about chanterelles that have not been cooked, then half an hour or more. Determine the availability of forest delicacies by their color and onions, which must be added when cooking.

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