"Doshirak" with shrimps: features and options for cooking

Noodles "Doshirak" with shrimps - a popular dishfast and super-economical cooking. It is worth such a pack on average 16-20 rubles. On the packaging there is an example of its filing: boiled noodles with sauce and shrimps. Most likely, the people who bought it, the shrimp will not be ruined. But it's easy to make a decent dish from this noodle. We will tell you more about this product and how to prepare it right now.

prehash with shrimp

The weight

Noodles are sold in special plasticcontainers - trays. Open them more than just. The weight of the product itself, that is, noodles, is equal to 90 g. A sachet of spices and a bag of vegetable oil are applied to it. Add these additional components can be to taste and desire. And you can not even touch these bags. But the same taste of shrimp is not in the very noodles, but in a mixture of different spices. So if you do not use it, the unique taste will be lost.


In many recipes, such noodles are indicated as egg "Doshirak" with shrimps. However, there are no eggs in it at all. The composition of the product is expanded on the back of the package:

  • Wheat flour;
  • Palm oil;
  • modified starch;
  • onion dried;
  • salt;
  • emulsifier-thickener;
  • dye beta-carotene.

And there are many, many strange names. But the ingredients, which in noodles most of all, are written in the list only on the first lines.

shrimp flavored prehistoric


Steam noodles can be in a proprietary tray, in a bowl or boiled in a saucepan.

Prepare "Doshirak" with the taste of shrimp quicklyyou can in a couple of minutes. It is enough to open a tray with noodles, print out packages with spices and butter, pour a glass of boiling water directly into the container and close again. After 3-5 minutes your dish is ready for use.


However, we can not take additionalingredients, and use your imagination and something from the refrigerator. After a small witchcraft in front of a tray of pasta and other products, you will get a full meal, which is easy to feed the whole family. This increases not only the calorie content of the food, but also its nutritional value. The number of vitamins and trace elements in one portion increases at times.

So, let's start the recipes!

Recipe for noodles with shrimps


  • "Doshirak" with shrimps - 1 piece;
  • quick-frozen shrimp - if desired;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • feathers of green onions - 1-2 pcs .;
  • a pepper of chili pepper - the tip;
  • carrots - 1/2 pcs.

instant noodles

How to cook:

  1. Shrimp boil in boiling water for several minutes. Then cool and peel and peel. Use shrimp is optional, but so the dish will be more interesting.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onions and carrots. In the pan, pour the oil out of the bag attached to the noodles. Preheat and fry vegetables on it.
  3. Then add the tomato paste and a little water. You can take a meat or vegetable broth, if it is at hand.
  4. Stew the vegetables until cooked over low heat andwith the lid closed. Then add the spices from the second packet and the shrimps themselves. Stir and close the lid. Take it away from the fire. Add the finely chopped green onions and the tip of the chili pepper.
  5. Noodles in a container fill with steep boiling water and cover. Let it brew for a few minutes.
  6. Collect the dish - put the noodles on a plate, place the vegetable sauce with shrimp on it. If desired, add finely chopped spicy greens.

Here's how you can use the product TM "Doshirak." Reviews about the prepared dish will be the highest.

Recipe for noodles with meat or chicken


  • "Doshirak" with shrimp - 2-3 pcs .;
  • meat or chicken mince - 200-300 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • tomato - 1 pc .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • beans in the shoulder blades - 3-4 pcs .;
  • soy sauce - 1/2 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

tm doshirak reviews

How to cook:

  1. First, boil a little spatula of green beans (preferably in salted water). Then cut them into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onion and rinse it, cut it finely. With a tomato, cut out the attachment point of the peduncle. Cut the flesh into pieces.
  3. In a frying pan or in a saucepan, preheatVegetable oil mixed with butter from the packaging "Doshirak". Put a thin layer of mince into the hot mixture. It must first be fried, and then fumble until ready, but already with crushed vegetables and soy sauce. Try it, maybe you'll need to add a little salt.
  4. Add the spices to the meat from the noodle tray. Stir and pour 50-60 ml of hot water. Leave the stew with the lid closed on a low heat until the meat is soft.
  5. Further enter the blades of green beans and lay directly on the meat (be sure that there was still a broth) pressed briquettes of noodles. Close the lid and wait.
  6. After 5-6 minutes, you can mix the dish and remove it from the plate.

Soy sauce in a recipe is needed for fastsoftening of the connective tissue of meat. This product is for an amateur and recalls the Eastern and Central Asian cooking. Instead of this sauce it is permissible to add a bit of citrus juice, apple or balsamic vinegar to the stuffing.

As you can see, instant noodles "Doshirak" can be both a fast lunch of a student, and a rich dinner for the whole family.

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