Recipe for every day. Mintai, baked in the oven

At present, pollock is one of the most popular commercial fish. Probably, that's why today it can be bought in any supermarket or in a fish store.

It inhabits pollack mainly in cold watersThe northern part of the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of over 250 meters. Food for pollock is provided by various parts of plankton, crustaceans, and sometimes small fish, for example, such as smelt or capelin.

Useful properties of pollack

It's no secret that pollock, like other fish species,contains many useful substances, such as various vitamins, including vitamin PP, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, molybdenum, cobalt and some others.

The pollock liver is rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is responsible for the health of the eyes, teeth, hair, gums and skin of a person. Pollock is a real treasure trove of iodine and protein, which is why it is useful to give this fish to children from the first years of their life. In addition, pollock does not cause allergies and will suit people who will be fasting.

Such a wonderful fish as pollock can be stewed,grill or bake in the oven. Alaska pollack baked in the oven is the most popular way of cooking this fish. After all, this dish is prepared quite quickly and does not care from the hostess of special efforts. In addition, the baked pollack fish in the oven will perfectly preserve all the useful vitamins and microelements and will surely please all household members.

So, we present to your attention a simple recipe for cooking pollock.

Alaska pollack baked in the oven with vegetables

Take the pre-treated orFrozen pollock fillets thawed at room temperature. Next, prepare all the necessary ingredients: one medium-sized carrot, hard cheese, several tomatoes (3 should suffice) and greens. Carrots must be crushed with a small grater, cheese with a large grater, and the greens of dill and parsley is simply finely chopped.

When the fillets of pollock completely defrost, youyou need to carefully remove excess fluid. To do this, use a paper towel. Then salt each piece of fish fillet, in the middle lay a little carrots, do not forget to add greens. After this, wrap each piece of fillet in a roll.

Cut tomatoes into thin slices andgently remove the flesh from there. So, you should get rings. Then rolls of Alaska pollack with vegetable filling, size to the holes of tomatoes and insert into tomato rings.

Form for baking should be smeared with creamyoil before you put the rolls on it. Lay out the rolls. Then apply a sieve of sour cream on them and decorate it with grated cheese. Form the baking cover with a lid or foil. After this, you can send the fish to the oven, preheating it to 180 degrees.

25 minutes it is necessary to withstand Alaska Pollockor under the lid. After this another 5 minutes, wait until the fish is baked on the top shelf of the oven. Thus, Alaska pollack, baked in the oven with vegetables, after half an hour of cooking will decorate your table.

Similar to this recipe, Alaska pollock isfoil (in the oven). However, here you will need another sauce and various spices. Use half the teaspoon of coriander, one small teaspoon of basil, the same amount of soy sauce, two tablespoons of ketchup and mayonnaise to make the sauce. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Pour your fish fillets with this sauce, sprinkle with onion rings and wrap the envelopes in foil.

So you filled your moneybox with beautifuldietary and healthy dishes. Of course, in the diet of your children, seafood should occupy an important place, because their health is most important. Use these recipes and complement them with simple garnishes. The pollock, baked in the oven, perfectly matches even with ordinary rice. More often please your relatives with such simple, but tasty and useful dishes. And the reward for you will be their health and good appetite.

In conclusion, I would like to note that somespecies of fish can be quite expensive. However, pollock is distinguished by an affordable price and quality is not inferior to other types of fish, so it can be included in the diet without affecting the family budget.

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