Chocolate pudding is the best delicacy!

Pudding - an English dish, but adopted inRussia is great. In its initial version, the pudding was something between jelly and a mass of "bird's milk" - in general, it looked smooth, waving from movements of mass, such as we were surprised to see in the cartoon "Tom and Jerry," but did not understand yet that it is. And our mothers also had no idea how to make chocolate pudding.

Today puddings can be bought in eachsupermarket - this delicate dessert is sold both in ready-made form and in a state of semi-finished product, into which it is necessary to "just add water" (well, boil a little more). But, of course, no single shop product can exceed in its taste qualities an exclusive product created in a private kitchen. So, prepare the chocolate pudding!

Let's start with the traditional in our viewdessert. 0.5 liters of milk, plus 40 g of corn starch and 4 tablespoons of sugar - that's all you need for the basics of delicacies. Chocolate makes it, of course, cocoa - only two spoons are needed for the indicated amount of milk. Milk is boiled with sugar, and the starch, mixed with cocoa, is dissolved in a small amount of milk and poured into the bulk. Spilling on the molds - and in the refrigerator! Everything is really very simple. If there is a desire to get a chocolate pudding, not in a mold, but on a plate, as in a cartoon film, it is necessary to quickly lower the mold into hot water, turn it upside down and carefully remove it. Decorating pudding is not necessary, but if you really want, you can use whipped cream and grated chocolate.

The next option is typically English. Probably not everyone knows that real pudding is not baked in the oven - it's cooked! Attention! We cook chocolate pudding with orange. First we prepare the filling: the orange drops for 10 minutes into the boiling water. At this time, add the dark chocolate (55 g) into the melted butter (85 g) and mix thoroughly. Separately, mix a mass of 170 grams of pancake flour, 2 tablespoons of milk, 170 g of sugar and 55 g of cocoa. Both masses are combined and mixed until a uniform test is obtained. Now its third part is poured into the form, gently lower the orange there, pre-puncture it from all sides with a toothpick. On top, the orange is lubricated with oil and sprinkled with sugar, then filled with the remaining mass. Pudding is cooked in a form lowered into a pan with boiling water under heat-resistant paper or film. Water should reach the middle of the pudding, so as it boils up it must be topped up. Ready-made delicacy can be poured with cream or cream, and now it's time for the traditional: "Your pudding, sir!"

And this recipe - for those who love everythingmodern. Down with a long cooking! You give me a microwave! First, prepare the chocolate mass: for 2 cups of water - a glass of brown sugar and walnuts plus vanilla to taste. All this is cooked in a microwave oven until lightly thickened. At this time we create a dough: it is prepared very easily - all the ingredients are taken in the amount of 1 cup. So, cocoa, flour, butter, milk and sugar are mixed gently, you can add a little salt and baking powder. The finished pudding from the microwave is poured onto the resulting mass and again sent to the microwave oven. Time of preparation - not more than 12 minutes. Serve warm, you can sprinkle with nuts. A very original and non-standard recipe - but the chocolate pudding in this version is just as magnificent as in the previous ones!

We hope that now you know the answer to the question abouthow to make chocolate pudding. It only remains to add that in the case of creating a traditional cooked dainty stuffing you can choose the most different, and instead of a microwave oven use an aerogrill or oven. Bon Appetit!

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