Salad with champignons and corn and not only

No table can do without salads. What are the only recipes for their preparation? Salads using canned corn occupy a worthy place among them. Here are just a few recipes with this ingredient: a salad with champignons and corn, with chicken, with prunes.

Salad with prunes and corn

For him, you need to take a hundred grams of prunes,eighty grams of hard cheese, two hundred grams of corn canned, two tablespoons of nuts (walnuts), sixty grams of onions, two hundred grams of mayonnaise for refueling, as well as pepper, garlic and salt, a whisper. Of the listed number of products will be three servings. Prune my and chop finely, and cheese three on a grater larger. Grind the onions with garlic. Mix everything and add canned corn. Nuts cut smaller. Pepper and salting all the ingredients in the container, pour in mayonnaise. Well mixed up everything, put it in a salad bowl. The salad with prunes and corn is cooked extremely quickly, looks appetizing and disappears from the plates in a matter of minutes.

And now let's take a salad with champignons and corn. There are several recipes for its preparation. Mushrooms for this salad is better to take pickled or canned.

And so the recipe is the first: a salad with champignons and corn called "Sunflower". Its components are chicken fillet (three hundred grams), canned corn (four hundred grams), boiled eggs (three pieces), pickled marinated mushrooms (two hundred grams), carrots (two hundred grams). In the salad will be present and onions (it is fashionable to take either a whole or leek), and olives (if you like), and even oval chips. Still need salt, vegetable oil and mayonnaise.

Well, now for the cause. Carrots cook, sit and clean. Finely chopped fillets, put it to fry in a skillet for ten minutes, without forgetting to pour on her oil and add a little meat.

Rubbing eggs on a grater and carrots, cutsMelenko mushrooms and half rings of onions. If you took a bulb, do not forget it, finely chopping, scalding and leaving in this water for about ten minutes, and then drain it. To make a salad with champignons and corn look nice and appetizing, take the dish flat, because our salad "Sunflower" is laid out in layers. We put the fillet on the bottom of the plate and lubricate it with mayonnaise. On it is laid a layer of carrots and again mayonnaise. There was a turn of mushrooms, which are also smeared with mayonnaise. On top of them there is a layer of onion, and on it crushed eggs, grease again with mayonnaise. It remains to put a layer of corn on top of everything, and around the circle to lay out the chips. Salad with champignons and corn "Sunflower" decorate the top with a stylized "ladybug", making her body from a cherry tomato (halves), and the dots and head from olives.

As a variant of the previous, but fastercooking, the second recipe is a salad with chicken and corn. Boiled chicken and canned (not pickled) mushrooms finely cut into strips. Mixing corn, champignons and meat, pepper and salt. We fill everything with salad dressing, which is prepared as follows: green onion finely chopped, mixed with garlic and herbs (parsley, cilantro, basil, etc., that is at hand and what you like to add to salads) and, adding mayonnaise, mix well . The fragrant dressing is ready. It will give a peculiar taste and rich color to our dish called "Salad with champignons and corn with chicken".

The third recipe for salad with corn is dietary. It includes, in addition to chicken and corn, pineapple and cabbage Peking. So, prepare a dietary salad with chicken and corn. It will take very little time to prepare it. Cabbage tear (not cut) into small pieces and put it in a salad bowl. To it we add boiled and cut into slices chicken meat, corn and pineapple (without marinade). Do not like pineapple or it is not at hand - replace this ingredient with apples (green). We fill up with light low-calorie mayonnaise (do not be surprised, though lettuce and dietary, you practically will not feel this refueling because of freshness and juiciness of cabbage). Everything, let's go to the salad on the table, because it should not be insisted. The combination of exotic fruit and chicken meat leaves no one indifferent. This salad will always go "with a bang." Have a nice feast!

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