How to cook chicken soup with home-made noodles

Everyone knows that an integral part, even moreMoreover - the main part of each dinner is a fragrant and delicious soup that is able to fill the body with nutritious and useful substances. The first dishes help to cope with all the tasks of the day's work, give strength and vitality. For every person, regardless of age, this is an important part of a healthy diet. But, in addition, a bowl of hot and fragrant soup can raise the mood of anyone. A particularly useful soup seasoned with the love and care of a good housewife. Currently, culinary specialists number almost 150 kinds of first courses - borsch, cabbage soup, chicken soup with noodles, soup with vermicelli, pickle, soup-kharcho, milk soup, etc. In this case, each of them has several variations, for example, there are 22 variants of borsch and 24 varieties of cabbage soup, but many housewives mostly use 4-5 recipes for the first dishes. At cost, the first dishes are not so expensive, and the cooking process sometimes and not intricate (for example, soup noodles with chicken, soup with dumplings, etc.), so every housewife can diversify home cooking by adding several recipes for new dishes .

In this article, we would like to talk about how,how to cook chicken soup with noodles. By the way, soups on chicken broth are recommended for children's and dietary nutrition. They not only do not overload the liver, but also help with gastritis and ulcers. As you know, store shelves offer noodles made from wheat flour, buckwheat, rice, etc., we will teach you how to make homemade noodles. In order to cook chicken soup with noodles (we'll call the recipe "home-style"), we need 1 carcass of chicken, 1 large carrot, 1 glass of flour, 1 large or 2 small eggs, salt, bay leaves, a bunch of greenery (parsley, dill).

The first stage - the preparation of broth

We place the washed and purified chicken carcass ina large pot and pour three liters of water, add a few laurel leaves, cover with a lid and put on fire. It is very important not to overlook the moment of boiling water. After the water boils, remove all the foam carefully, reduce the flame and leave the chicken cooked for another 1.5 hours (depending on its size). 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking in the broth we lower the bandaged bunch of greenery. When the chicken is cooked, we remove it and cut it into pieces, and also take out a bunch of greenery (it will come in handy later). The resulting broth is gently poured into another pan, leaving a residue at the bottom of the previous dishes. The broth is ready.

The second stage - cooking home-made noodles

In order for chicken soup with noodles to bedeliciously delicious, in it, as in any other dish, you must invest your soul. Therefore, while the chicken is simply brewed by itself, we will prepare home-made noodles. Many people think that this is rather tedious and long - nothing like that. It's pretty simple.

We connect eggs and sifted flour, add saltand with effort knead the dough. If it crumbles, you can pour a little boiled water. After the dough is kneaded, form a tight "bun" from it, cover with a deep plate and leave for half an hour. After this time on the table, a little powdered with flour, roll out the thinly dough and leave for a few minutes to dry. Next, cut into several strips 4-5 cm wide, stacked on top of each other (but no more than 5-6 strips) and begin to fine-finely shred. When everything is shredded, leave the noodles on the table to dry up, sometimes turning over neatly with a knife or fork.

The third stage is the connection of components

Dried noodles should be lowered for 2 minutesboiling water, then we throw it back in a colander and let it drain. Only after that we lower the noodles into the prepared broth. Then we put the chopped chicken pieces and grated carrots into the broth. By the way, carrots can be pre-fried in vegetable oil a little. Cook the soup for another 15 minutes and turn it off. Sprinkle on top with finely chopped greens.

Chicken soup with noodles is ready for use.

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