Gin at home from home-brew: prescription, recommendations and secrets

Fans of strong quality alcohol are notalways can afford it: excise taxes, fees and taxes sometimes make the price of such a valued drink sky-high. However, our people are clever and inventive. Interested people are quite available gin at home from moonshine. The recipe for it can be mastered not only by experienced moonshiners, but also by those who simply buy a homemade liquor. A little patience, a bit of skill - and you can enjoy a drink that differs little from the original.

gin at home from the homebrew recipe

We dispel myths: the history of gin

Somehow it was the opinion that gin - alcoholof English origin. Meanwhile, the British just borrowed the idea. Discoverers were the Dutch, even in the 12th century, trying to use gin to fight the plague.

Year of official "discovery" of gin is considered1650, in which the doctor de La Bois patented it as a diuretic. After a couple of decades, the drink was already used for quite a different purpose and for its smell was called genever, from "juniper" in French. British troops, who were an ally of Holland in those years, instantly appreciated the dignity of gin and called it an elixir of courage. They brought the recipe home, where the English quickly launched home-brewing, changing the original name to, in fact, gin. And by the middle of the 18th century it had already been monopolized by the state and was considered a national drink.

gin alcohol

Gene at home from home-brew: a recipe and requirements for the source code

We remember that home-made alcoholhas a specific smell and includes absolutely unnecessary oils. Therefore, moonshine must necessarily be double distillation. And before the second it is necessarily cleaned - soda, manganese, proteins, milk or charcoal of your choice.

Make sure that the manufacturer did not forget to remove itcalled heads with tails - they are superfluous in the future gin. It would be good to dilute the moonshine with water up to 30 percent before re-distillation. Extra fluid will be removed, and the connection, quite strong, with fusel oils will greatly weaken.

Moonshine after the second pass through the apparatus must be very sturdy, not less than 80 revolutions. Before further manipulation it will need to be diluted to the desired degree.

And one more important observation: before you cook the gin at home, pour the juniper berries into small-sized tissue bags and hold them for a few days somewhere in a dry room. Experts in gin assure that the fruits thus acquire a more sustained and vivid scent.

how to make gin from moonshine

Juniper tincture

One of the easiest ways to make ginfrom moonshine, is to stand the berries in alcohol, as is done with other ingredients for tinctures. The taste of the drink will be very close to the original Jenever. Half a liter of a 50-degree moonshine takes ten juniper berries; to better absorb the flavor, they are crushed or pushed, after which they are poured into the base and insisted for two weeks. A syrup is brewed from a spoonful of sugar and a triple volume of water until the bubbles appear. Gin is filtered, combined with syrup and aged for at least three days. Then you can start to celebrate or wait for the closest date.

gin degrees

Impatient: the right home genever

However, if you are interested in a real gin inhome conditions from moonshine, the recipe recommends including berries in the composition of moonshine from the very beginning of its manufacture. It will take a kilogram of fruit - select, ripe and fresh. They are warmed up well and poured with a liter of warm water, half a cup of sugar and a spoon with a slide of dry yeast are poured in here. The container is placed under the water seal for a week or 10 days. At the end of the fermentation, the braga passes twice through the distillation cube, with purification and leaving only the "body" of gin. If desired, it can be additionally insisted, but it is at this stage that it has a classic taste and smell.

how to cook gin at home

Homemade Beefeater

Turn moonshine into gin can be in the middle of the process. Take 10 liters of good, purified, twice distilled homemade vodka in 50 revolutions. In the container with moonshine are put:

  1. Fruits of juniper, fresh, without marriage, mashed, - 200 grams.
  2. Cinnamon - a broken piece at your discretion or incomplete tablespoon.
  3. Coriander in powder - about two spoons.
  4. Freshly squeezed peel from one lemon (approximately a spoon).
  5. Fennel, anise, hyssop, licorice - on a small spoon, it is possible incomplete.

The bottle is loosely covered and put on for two or three weeks in the dark. Temperature - room.

The next stage is the preparation of the billet to the fortressin 20 percent. Flushed moonshine into the water! Secondary distillation is carried out with a drain of "pervaka" and "tail". The final stage is weekly settling and filtering.

The most important thing is cocktails

Jin, degrees in which fluctuate between 37.5 and47 turns, is on the list of the strongest drinks. "Harder" is unless pure alcohol and undiluted moonshine. Therefore, gin is alcohol, rarely used in its pure form. In addition, the sharp taste and smell of the drink is not too much for drinking without pleasant additions. In addition to the well-known combination with the tonic, gin at home from the home-brew, the recipe of which you choose, can be launched on very interesting cocktails:

  1. "Arno": on a pile of gin, peach liquor and dry vermouth plus ice.
  2. "Suzy Wong": gin, fresh lemon juice, tangerine liqueur - 20 milliliters each. Shaken by shaker, poured into a glass and supplemented with 20 g of brut.
  3. "Alexander": 30 ml of homemade gin, cream fat and coffee liqueur. Pass through the shaker with a pinch of nutmeg and ice.

A merry feast!

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