Cheese soup from cream cheese

Often in films we see how the characters in thesome restaurant pours white soup. What is this soup and why is it white? It is quite expected that I wanted to cook the same. It turned out to be a cheese soup made of melted cheese - fragrant, with a pleasant taste, and besides it does not require much trouble. In fact, it is cooked almost the same way as ordinary soups, only cheese is added, which gives the soup a characteristic almost white color.

Recipes of cheese soups are very many and all of thembut there are some differences between them. You can cook vegetarian cheese soups, or you can add meat. If you cook a cheese soup made of melted cheese with meat, it is better to take fillets. Chicken is also good, but choose a better breast or a clean filet - then the soup will turn out to be tender.

All soups are designed for three liters. This is quite a lot - you get a full pan. So you can safely reduce all portions if there are not enough people in the family. So, how to make cheese soup with chicken. This is the simplest recipe, but it is also very tasty. Filet chicken pour three liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for about twenty minutes. During the boil, water is salt, we put one bay leaf and several peas. When the meat is ready, we take it out and put it off.

We take 500 grams of potatoes, clean, cutIn small broths and cook in broth for seven to ten minutes. In butter, lightly fry the onions and carrots, then add to the soup. Luke and carrots will be needed somewhere around 150 grams. Cut the fillets, add to the soup, cook for another two or three minutes and add the cheese. Cheese should be fused. For three liters, one 400 gram jar of processed Hochland cheese leaves.

Spoon scoop and dissolve, constantlymixing. Classic French cheese cheese soup made from melted cheese is ready! And in this soup you can add rice. We put it immediately after we got the fillet and cook rice for ten minutes. And further on the prescription.

Very tasty it turns out cheese soup frommelted cheese with porcini mushrooms. It can be boiled without meat. Mushrooms, if they are dry, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, then cut. Fungi we need fifty grams of dried. It is desirable, if it will be white mushrooms. Although still suitable mushrooms and assorted wood. In boiling water (all the same three liters), add mushrooms, cook for about 30 minutes. Then we put the potatoes and cook for about ten minutes, add onions with carrots and cook for another three to four minutes. For a mushroom cheese soup, onions and carrots can not even be fried. Then gradually add the cheese.

If all the ingredients are passed through the blender, thenget the soup-mashed potatoes. Tell us how to make a cheese soup with broccoli puree. For two liters of water, take one carrot, one onion, 450 grams of broccoli (you can replace Brussels or cauliflower) 300 grams of low-melting cheese "Yantar", salt.

To make a cheese soup puree with chicken,You need to add one leg to this recipe. Cook it for 25 minutes, taking off the foam. In a frying pan lightly fry the carrots, grated on a large grater and finely chopped onions. When the chicken is cooked, you need to remove it from the broth and put cabbage into it. Choose from the chicken bone, remove the skin and grind it in a blender. Vegetables also need to be crushed, adding a little broth. If there is no blender, you can skip a chicken through a meat grinder, and vegetables can be rubbed through a strainer.

Puree spreads in broth and is brought toboil, then in it in small portions you need to spread the cheese. Cook soup on low heat until the cheese is completely dissolved. Before serving in the soup, you can add a small piece of butter. Such soups can be both everyday and beautiful decoration of the festive table. The color and taste make them festive and exquisite. They are so easy to cook that you can pamper yourself constantly.

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