Cottage cheese cake recipe

Cake from cottage cheese pastry has long been consideredan indispensable attribute of the Easter festival, bearing a certain ritual load. But, perhaps, we should not forget about its more prosaic, purely culinary value. After all, Easter cake is also just delicious, very nutritious pastries, which can please the family for an evening tea party.

Perhaps, at first it is worth mentioning that more oftencalled Easter cottage cheese, that is a special, purely Easter cake of cold cooking. Many people, celebrating the triumph of Easter, decorate the table with painted eggs and cakes that do not contain a crumb of cottage cheese, forgetting that traditionally the convenience of festive baking was achieved precisely by the abundance of a carefully mashed, not too dense and sour curd. So, what is the cold recipe for curd cake or how to bake a curd cake with pleasure?

First of all, you should take care of the qualitycottage cheese. It should be moderately sour and not at all rude, as happens, if at curling the weight is too overheated. After all, such a cake will be made of cottage cheese, with small additives for taste, tenderness and stickiness of the mass.

Ideally, this cottage cheese should be wiped throughsieve, so that its particles were very small, it is practically impossible to achieve this effect with a spoon, and even new kitchen appliances will not give much.

Separately, heat the warm butter withsugar powder and salt, and it is desirable that b in the salt did not come across large grains. Then, sour cream is added and mixed there. This mixture, whipped until homogeneous, is added to the curd and thoroughly mixed with it.

The finished mass is stacked (preferably by hands) ina special form-pasochnitsu, and then the open side is set on a smart dish and the shape is carefully removed. Thus opened cake can be decorated with protein glaze and colored pieces of candied fruit. By the way, before forming a cake, you can add raisins to the dough. Ready cake should be covered with a clean napkin and left in the refrigerator for the night.

As for the ingredients, the recipe for curd cake is:

A kilogram (or slightly more) of cottage cheese will require about one hundred grams of butter, half a cup of sugar (better than powdered sugar), the same amount of sour cream and a teaspoon of salt - without a slide.

But most housewives still prefer to bake cottage cheese cake

to a bright holiday. What is the recipe for curd cake for this case?

Dissolve in half a cup of warm milk yeast to prepare the spoons, add a half tablespoon of sugar. Cover that the opara has not cooled.

Another half cup of warm milk pour inpounded carefully cottage cheese (400-500 grams), add a glass of sugar (you can slightly incomplete), a teaspoon of salt without a slide and two hundred grams of butter warmed to a semi-liquid state.

After thoroughly mixing it all up, adddissolved in milk yeast, pour about three glasses of flour and stir, at this time you can add raisins, candied fruits or not very finely crushed nuts. After mixing, gradually add three or four glasses of flour. Ready to cover the dough and leave to go in a warm place, until it increases by a factor of two.

Then put in oiled form, giveslightly soak and put in a preheated oven for about 180 degrees. When the cakes are taken out of the oven and freed from the molds, they can be covered with icing, for Easter-definitely white, in other cases it is allowed and tinted. This recipe for curd cake is just one of many. There are many more options for both cakes and curd cakes. Culinary interent pages are full of recipes of many cakes from cottage cheese. Bon Appetit!

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